Justice served....a short story from Jude kyrie
She was my boss at the precinct,
I know now that
my fifteen years service
meant diddly squat.
The new world is for women.
Women with education.
Women who looked Β fucking amazing,
Oh I am a dinosaur I know it.
Do you know the worst thing though.
I loved that woman.
She was the most beautiful woman
i had ever seen..
Everyone at the station knew it.
She was on the rocket ship called success.
And I was on the treadmill of forever.
Alice my partner and best friend
Β saw me looking at her.
That conservative smart woman
who understood what the fuck I do.
She was my boss.
But Jesus she was stylish.
She knew I was in love with her.
Fucking women, they always know.
I divorced my wife.
because Β I cannot live a lie.
She wept and I wept.
It was not her fault.
Nor mine really.its just
She could never be her.
I knew it was impossible.
But fuck.
I loved her.
I got a call to look at a rape Murder
of a young woman.
I went to the site
with Alice my partner.
I knew Alice wanted me.
like I wanted my boss.
How fucked up is that.
I looked into the dumpster
and tears filled my eyes?
Fuck, fuck fuck.
It was.Jess
Alice's daughter.
I burned in guilt.
She had called me
to get a cake
for Alice's birthday.
I told her I would pay for it.
But just two hours earlier
my boss gave me the riot act
over my fucking paperwork.
I am a good cop.
But I am shit at organization
and fucking paperwork.
But because it was her
and because
just the sight of her ass
in a skirt gave me a boner.
I missed our appointment.
I could have saved her.
But I didn't.
Because of the that
beautifull fucking woman.
that was my boss.
Ten years later
I had quit the force.
I was too guilt laden.
But I worked the case on my own.
Finally I zoned in.
On the asshole
who had killed jess.
I hit on all My old contacts.
They got me seconded to my old unit.
My old boss lady
was now in charge
of the the whole division.
of course she was.
And she was still
so fucking beautiful.
She was kind to me
and spoke softly to welcome
me back.
we have Β missed you.
I asked her to re open the case for jess
and Alice,
she was sweet and did so.
Alice came in and hugged me.
I loved that plain homely face of hers.
And she loved me.
Like I loved my boss.
Ain't this Β a fucking mess.
I told her I had spent ten years
tracking down her daughters killer.
But she seen unimpressed.
She said the death penalty
was too fuckin easy.
A jab like a blood test
A slap up dinner.
Then a peaceful sleep.
Fuck it.
I want the bastard to suffer.
Year after year in a useless home.
No escape just another damn day.
I chased the guy downΒ
We brought him in.
He was ready to confess.
But then the DA came in and let him go,
Not enough evidence she said,
I told Alice I have found him.
But they let him go.
She whispered
no honey its not him,
i have him.
I went to her remote bungalow.
It was on ten acres of green.
I saw her walking to the barn.
I quietly followed her.
Opening the door ever so silently.
Inside was a jail cell.
A lost miserable scrawny
man saw me first,
He dropped his miserable rations
that she gave him.
And he touched my hand
through the bars.
Kill me, kill me, he begged.
She saw me and said
I found Him a month afterΒ
He killed my Jess.
He remembered
the death penalty
is too easy.story.
My boss Claire had followed me.
she thought I was going
to off the perp.
the one that the DA set free.
iΒ Β did not care about this pig.
.She could have me
jailed forever as an accomplice.
i owed my life to Alice and jess.
I placed my automatic revolver.
on the table in front of the cell.
and went outside.
And picked up a shovel
and started to dig a grave,
IΒ looked up from my work
sweating and saw Claire.
She was digging the grave
with me.
There was a single gunshot.
And Alice walked out
of her prison of commitment
to her daughter jess.
And they buried Β him.
all three of them.
Something the law
was unable to do.
A year later
Claire held her wild Cowboy
detective in her arms.
She whispered
i always loved you you know.
why did you never do anything about it.
he looked at her face
so fucking beautiful
and smart,
because you were way
out of my league.
and if truth be known.
you still are.
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amazing ink my friend. I did notice some missed lettering and misspelled words. You are a superb writer and I enjoyed your story immensely.
Thank you so much
i just tried to clean it up a bit.
i wrote it in bed late last night.
That does not help my terrible
spelling and careless punctuation.
its how I work.
an idea,a concept comes to me in a deluge
it then pours out of me in a rush
like rain down a downpipe.
thanks again