Living Water
dedicated to " MAX " The Fish of the Sea "

Born into mud and stifling miry clay,
Fits very close to me! most smooth to the touch.
Move to living water is what my peers say!
Oozing mud has become; my willing soft crutch.
The multi medium world of this simple fish,
Flopping around; reacting to what comes; best.
Since finding cool water; this is my wish!
To glide in its calling; win this journey; test!
Becoming stronger! thus my quest to enter in,
Living water; unlimited possibilities!
To find my creator! and forever friend!
However! approaching Him; on my knees.
Now I can swim swiftly; walk from mud; or fly!
Overcome stumbling blocks; to the how, what or why!

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Β Beautifully written. I like the way it is extremely personal. It's more a spiritual write than religious and this is what makes it good π x
thankΒ you so much Being Me for the feed back and support!
Thank you K G Munro!
much thanks Greg!
Jim you are a most generous and genuine man, the real deal.
When it comes to others and what you write about and how you scribe words that only you know how to weave.
Weaving a poem of hope and light and one that goes a tad deeper also, with its wonderful message if one looks closely enough and then to pause and reflect on.
A great gift for Max and kudos and respect to you Jim for bestowing this finely written dedication :)
Hi again Shaun my most wise friend! I learn something every time I get feed back from you! To have someone comment on a poem with simply; how they feel aboutΒ it is honoring, and you go even further; pointing out the positive so one can move forward with determination to seek more inspiration! I started out as a very poor writer, but because of patient and wise people like you with uplifting comments, I am now pushing two hundred poems written! and I think I improve with each one! thank you Shaun for being you and being here!.......................................................................................Jim
Jim I don't want to appear like a last word nutcase here...but I will.π
Β I agree 100% with what you have said, for we all start somewhere and over time aim to (and poetry fingers crossed) refine our writing and always seek new original avenues to explore and hopefully put into words that others may read, enjoy and who knows, even learn from.
What has been offered past and present by you, you have have hit the poetry ground running without falling and great to read.
And Jim this humbled so so poet thanks you sincerely and raises his glass to your next two hundred poems good sir :)
Hello Jim...
The above comments covers about everything...
Great dedication!
Great write!
Thank you for sharing...
thank you so much feathers!
Anything from you is always a wonder to read Jim...this is no exception, fab work. And you were never ever a poor writer my friend just a poor judge of your own talent...hugs x
hi Marion! once again I am humbled by your words! you are a wonderful talent that continues to lead in technique! and I learn from each of your writes! thank you Marion for your kindness and friendship! hugs!
Excellent work as always.
thank you JP! and back at you!
wonderfully penned
thank you Lisa!
There is something rather special about this Jim .. very much enjoyed mate :)
glad you had a good sail Nev.!
A genuine exploration of a poetic thought that came from a real thing that had to be a Poem. Bravo!!!!!
thank you for reading and support August!
I really love this poem. Now onward to the how what or why:)Β
thank you Mark! I have my beliefs! and will answer any question!
hi Hj! so good to hear from you!
Shyly, I feel very late to this party. What can I say Jim, I'm honored. Truthfully, this read came at a low point for me (most of the time you see me on here I'm low lol.) But this one has really lifted my spirits. I've also had a trawl through your account, seems you've been carrying the cosmos on your backside for a while now! But seriously mate thanks for this one. Reminds me of a few years ago when I had the inspiration to write much more than I do today. Finally I wanted to say if I had to pick a line it'd be this one;
Peace to you my friend.