What are you is alike the open book before social unit. Worry not, let them take decision. In fact, you are the unique personality in this present ere, endowed with the zeal of doing something admirable and possessed true beauty of mind.
I was lead to believe I was unworthy,worthless dull to be around, he called me stupid, loving him made me weak, but i am stronger, and bravely kicked his arse out of my life.
What are you is alike the open book before social unit. Worry not, let them take decision. In fact, you are the unique personality in this present ere, endowed with the zeal of doing something admirable and possessed true beauty of mind.
Ravindra Kumar
Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts :) dear Ravindra Kumar xx
Thank you Curtis xx
Dear nardine sanderson
I am what I am,
I am what is in my own beauty
I am what is in my own ugly
I am what is in my own sweet,
I am what is in my own sweat
I am what is in my own birth
I am what is in my own death
I was lead to believe I was unworthy,worthless dull to be around, he called me stupid, loving him made me weak, but i am stronger, and bravely kicked his arse out of my life.
I did sweetheart, thank you xc