Mother Nature's Crying

Into a fine distraction
Tell us, alas, that cannot tell our grief
Had not your beautiful structure
Been threatened, and left us on our knees
Many a tear does flow confusedly
Tell us dear Mother Nature
For we must mend your loving disorder
We must support the natural Oracle
Producing the miracle that begs you ascend
We will not sit by and mourn at oxygen's tomb
It's within our symbiotic relationship
That within a loving cup neglectful
The balance of our lives, inherently depend..
Somehow, we've changed the course held before
Our forests are dying, our children are crying
And what now must caring hearts intend
Is your most fundamental beauty
By our own hands, given a second birth
And thus enriched in mind and spirit
May we not yield some sacred cause
Shedย our own stupidity
And yield your holy resurrection
Recall the ancient evidence
Of humanity and Mother Nature's
Perfectly balanced cycle
Of dependent inner loveliness
And God-given,
Tony Taylor
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Tony what a beautiful dedication to Mother Nature! I am always in awe of your beauty with words
Hey Thanx DARKLY!!.......VERY gracious comment my friend!!........ appreciate your words and your support so much!!....... high fives sista!!....... smiles.......T xo
Tony .....excellent as always... Mr Poet....enjoyed.... Smiles
Thanx LORRIS!! one's ever called me Mr. Poet before (smiles)....... appreciate the ink my friend!!........ ttyl........T xo.ย ?
Hi Tony A lovely poem sad to read someย
lines how we treat mother nature killingย
her while she cry`s out to be cared for and loved
Beautiful original phrasing as always
Everyone should read this and take notice what we do to
her,ย to do something to alleviateย the destructionย
Great write!
Love n hugs Debs xoย
Yay!!......thanx DEBS!!...... this one was one of those that just popped out onto paper in 20 minutes....... Cherie was sitting next to me hitting me with a pillow saying "How in the heck do you do that?!"....... truth is.......I don't know how I do that...... the first few lines popped into my head and then I just said "I have an idea" ......sat down and it just poured onto the page .........funny how that works!!.......I think it comes from song writing...... anyway, sorry for rambling........thanx again for this!!......... Hugs-n-smiles.......T xo.ย ?
This is way GROOVY!!! know I'm a lover of nature and it breaks my heart each time I see people destroying nature...I once wept when I saw someone cutting down a beautiful tree...I just wish there's a way we can help stop mother nature's tears by preserving nature
Lots of love
Groovy? ~cool-THANX ROSE!!.....I think this may be the longest comment you've left for me.....I know exactly what you mean by crying sweetheart...... in fact, if you look on my page a few months back I've written an Olde English style poem entitled "Aye City Tree" that will verify that fact...... it's my mother's second favorite poem of mine....... anyway, thanx for being the coolest chick on my list!! (smiles).......T xo.ย ย ?
My Dear Brother Poet Tony,
Our precious Mother Nature. ย We must all unite to turn your tears of sadness into those of joy. ย Mankind must unite in a joint effort to save your children, instead of slaying them. ย May the naysayers rot in Hell. ย May we trample them as does a rampaging herd of Buffalo. ย Are you listening Trump? ย Can your brain absorb what Obama pledged in Paris to the whole world? ย Heed ย his words or face the wrath of the civilized world. ย The globe is warming, but if we are all "cool" about it, we can circumvent these augurs from Hell.
Peace, Love and Rockets,
xxx Larry
Wow!! Thanx LARRY!!..... so sorry I never saw this made SO MANY great pints here.......I hope we have the opportunity to speak face to face aboutย this one day...... you're awesome dude!!....... ttyl......... peace bro!!........T xo.ย ?โณโดโ
Oh my , it's beautiful I love your poemย
Hey Thanx so much CINDY!!...... much appreciated sweet poetess!!....... smiles......T xo.ย ?
Hey Brother LARRY!!...... Love this comment....... but I'm confused by the "augurs from hell"...... is that a biblical reference?......I've just started studying "The Book Of Enoch "......I've always avoided the bible due to some early bad experiences with the church ......I've been searching the Globe for proofs of God........ anyway, I'm babbling........thanx again for this....... ttyl.......peace bro!!.......T xo.ย ?
Lovely caring write Tony....
Great use of vocab to drive your point home. Enjoyed the read.
Regards Mick.
Cool!!,Thanx so much MICK!!...... love this comment my friend.......VERY much appreciated!!....... Smiles!!........T xo.ย ?
Very good masterfully done A++
Cool!!.....Thanx JOSHUA!!.......appreciate the positive ink brother poet!!....... talk soon?....... peace..........T xo.ย ?โณโดโ