Poem -

~ Mother Nature's Crying ~

~ Mother Nature's Crying ~

Into a deadly distraction...

Tell us, of the grief that cannot be spoken
Had not your natural pulchritude
Been threatened, and left us upon our knees
With many a tear flowing quite confusedly
Tell us Mother Nature
For we must your loving disorder align,
We must support the natural oracle,
Producing the miracle that begs 'ascend',
We must not sit by and mourn at oxygen's tomb
For it lives within our naturalistic kinship
That pearl, which contained in a loving cup, 
Is neglected and hangs most precariously
Where the balance of our lives, inherently depends...

Somehow, we've strayed from the ancient course
Our forests are dying, our children are crying
And now, what must caring hearts intend,
Can your most fundamental aspect
By our simple hands be given a rebirth,
And thusly enriched in mind and spirit
May we not manifest this as sacred cause,
Shed our own stupidity
Bringing forth that most gentle war
By recalling the ancient evidence
Of humanity's and of Mother Nature's
Perfectly balanced harmonies,
Of independent loveliness,
Of God given symbiosis
And the life giving beauty
That is Mother Nature

We pray,
            We beg,

Let us not away,
                      Into a deadly 
For if we do,
                Mother Nature,
                                      Will surely

Tony Taylor
* 2nd edit



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Jill Tait

Lovely & brilliantly creative layout Tony💕💙💕

Tony Taylor

Thank you Miss JILL!.....ALWAYS a pleasure dear poet sister!!.......smiles.....T xo  : )

Tony Taylor

Thank you Sir GREG!!.......You're the coolest!!......smiles......T xo  : )

John Astley

Yes Tony, time is of the essence if indeed we are not too late. 
This should be on the wall of every school and government building.

Tony Taylor

What a 'way cool' comment Sir ASTLEY!!......I am more than appreciative and send Lots of Love to you and yours!!........smiles......T xo   : )

Shaun Cronick

Tony a real tour de force of a write on Mother Nature, Gaia (Earth) with a clarion call to us all to improve our awareness of her and frightening power she can unleash.
There a word you use only once and that is enough.... stupidity.
For it's our stupidity, as we like to think of ourselves the dominant species of this planet ands our stupidity as to where we are now as we rape and harvest and plunder day after day, hour after hour from dwindling resources.
We have to the news to see record breaking heat waves, unprecedented floods and global warming and common place unseasonable weather patterns the world over to clearly see somethings amiss but those in power turn a blind eye to it.
For who's to say Mother Nature hasn't already steeled her resolve and began fighting back.
Love the way you ended your poem Tony as descending steps into Hell or madness or perhaps both.
Will we ever learn.
Thanks for sharing my poetry brother and full honours and poetry kudos to you gratefully and respectfully delivered. 

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