The mysteries will one day unfold...
The questions we are asking...
One day the answers will be told...
If today I believe I can fly...
Will I fly one day?
If the heart is the last thing to go?
After the very last heart beat...
If there is life after death?
My Oh My!
Is that when the mysteries unfold?ย
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Hey FEATHERS!!....I enjoyed the way you "poetically posed" oneย of the ultimate questions facing humanity here.....I think we all..... at someย point in our lives........ ask ourselves VERY seriously......" Is there life after death?...... for me personally, I have been searching for answers for many years...... it's why I began my blog on metaphysics and traveled to so many power points in the world......Thanx so much for this write sweet poetess..... it's a confirmation that so many of us...... have this in common!!........ALL STARS...... enjoyed.......LOVE and ROCKETS!!......T xo
awesome read sparrow!
Hello Tony...
Anything is possible...
The thing that does have meย wonder over all...
If there is life after death...
If we didn't do life right while we're here...
What do we face there?
Then where is there?
If we're meant to be gentle and kind here?
Is that a hopeful thing there?
If we're selfish and greedy and bad here?
Then what is life like there?
It's all just an awesome mystery...
If there's life after death?
What I do know...
Certain chances I won't take because if it's really bad...
I don't want to find out...
Thank you for your comment...
Hugz and Smiles!ย
Inventively constructed work fully outlining the obsession with what happens in the afterlife !
Clear and concise piece as usual !
Love and hugs to you. ย :)
Hello Sis Cherie...
One day we will know the answers to some mysteries...
There's a reason why we are here in this very moment...
There's a reason why I am healed that Doctors can't understand...
They want to be the heroes and sometimes they really are and sometimes they can't do anything to help you live...
Some do it for the title and prestige...
Then they'll say I didn't know...
Sorry for your loss...
They've been the person's Doctor for years...
Some mysteries do unfold...
Too bad if we don't like the answer...
Thank you for your comment...
Love n Hugs
Hello Lisa...
Thank you very much!ย
Glad you enjoyed!ย
Hugs and Smiles!ย
Hello Richard...
Maybe, people have the sense that this is it...
Some people believe in reincarnation...
I don't think this is it for me...
I don't believeย that I will be reincarnated...
I do believe in something beyond all of it...
Maybe, ย it's my hope being kept alive...
I just don't think we live and die here and that's all...
That doesn't make anyย sense to me...
Thank you for your comment...
Love and hugs to you too. :)
P.S. Glad you are back my friend!ย
Hi Sweet Sparrowsong,
Who knows when life'sย mysteries will unfold? ย The Shadow knows! ย But will he share his secrets with us or must we wait till our souls transcend, to finally find out?
Hugs, Peace and Love,
xox Larry