Poem -

- The Holy Trinity:
- You and I live in a
- Â three-dimensional concept;
- All bodily objects have
- Â three elements in one
- Height in all altitudes,
- breadth in all sizes,
- width in all powers
- One person can look like someone else,
- or behave like someone else,
- Â or even sound like someone else.
- But a person cannot actually be
- Â the same as another person
- God, however, lives without
- the limits of a three-dimensional universe.
- He is spirit; not the body or the soul,
- Â He is infinitely more complex than we are.
- That is why the Son can be differ from the Father.
- And, yet the same and alike,
- Speaking in terms of
- Â God the Son;
- God the Father;
- Â God the divine Spirit.
- Â But emphasizes that there is only
- One God
- Â God is a triune God.
- Â "Tri" meaning three, and
- Â "Unity" meaning one,
- Tri+Unity = Trinity
- These three aspects of the Supreme God
- manifest down to the environmental Logos
- like God the father – God the will
- God the Son – God the Love
- God the Holy Spirit – God the Creator.
- God said: Let us make man and women in our own images,
- In our own likeness, And let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the animals, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground
- In the  Indian mythology, the Holy Trinity is
- Composed of
- God Siva, the destroyer and the Restorer,
- God Vishnu, the Preserver,
- God Brahma, The Creator
- _________________________________
- BY
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