
Baby hood is like writing with a crayon, permanent but illegible.
Childhood is like writing with a pencil, legible and erasable.
Adulthood is like writing with a pen, legible and permanent.
Children often think that, everyday is a fresh start,
everyday is a fresh page.
In pencil what happened yesterday won't effect today.
But in pen what happened last year, can effect even today.
People always know you,
see you,
recognize you,
associate you,
with the first mark you make with that pen
the first page you finish
the first mistake you make
and no matter what happens,
they'll always remember your first mark
with that permanent pen.
The instant you picked up the pen,
the instant it touched the paper
your life became permanent
no more crayons,
no more pencils.
no more
turning back.

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Intriguing, insightful and melancholy.
Welcome to Cosmofunnel.
J ;)
Thank you I very much look forward to reading more poems by you and other people.