Physics-Theoretical Paradox of Black Hole Information

The solution to the first paradoxical issue mentioned in this problem can be merged rationally upon consideration of the defragmentation of a desktop computer. Information pulled in (in binary form) is scattered apart in prepurposed coordinates which pulls particles back together until point of completion. This theory is consistent with that of the Big Bang which over time organized into stable nature in which we exist, and which is continuing to follow its programmed mechanism of evolutionary process until completion.
If I were to speculate further on black holes, I would have to start by examining it's beginning. I would observe that the sense of self awareness which I perceive to have possession of, at its absolute root essence, (which if I possess it, I prove it to have an origin) is simply existence itself which somehow both exists and exists in singularity of itself, free from any deviation of a curiosity or awarenesses of anything outside itself. Existing in certainty of itself, possessing full knowledge of information contained within itself (binary information), and thus while being conscious of all that it may possibly define as information it lives undisrupted in manner for eternities immeasurable by time; for time is within it existing in completion, and thus it knows no tense of participle save the present and supersedes any need to ponder. This is the best description language will allow me to articulate to ascribe attributes somewhat conceivable to what may be more commonly referred to as a star, a pre Big Bang State, The Beginning, Alpha-Omega, or perhaps Adam (atom) etc.
It's a necessity that I leave a gap in place of the motive for what I'm about to postulate for wiser men to infer theories on. What can be known is that the entity or State described above underwent traumatic changes at the moment of Big Bang. My hypothesis is that the Big Bang was the moment when what we conceive of as time came into existence, and with it space and multiplicity of form. I believe this was the birth of a black hole in which reality as we know it exists, and matter evolves and is subject to laws of time and space, having existed previously as a completness of matter in singularity of self, beyond any conceptions of time or space, having now scattered information abroad in tremendous diversity of form which exists in all things which are aware of self, and which understand all other matter as seperate of self.
My theory is philosophical, scientifically plausible, free of any element which conflicts with any religious teaching, provides possible explanation of subconcious phenomena, and ultimately aims to reduce the multiplicity of things down to the singular self-same thing which is at the root of all things while demonstrating that individual perspectives and definitions have the potential to all align with one another through cross-culturaly, core, perceivable truths which have been skewed due to barriers of expression in which all individuals that believe, believe in the same thing and when found failing to agree upon such subjects only do so due to a less than ideal depiction of the concept being conveyed to the visionary whose listening.
I hypothesize that time according to our understanding exists only in the space in which we abide. Thus any self-aware thing in existence in any subspace of our own physical nature would not be bound by our understanding of its rules. When examining what intelligence is, ultimately I find myself concluding it's root meaning is awareness. The more aware of self, others, nature, science or the many many things in which exist in multiplicity, the more "intelligent" one is considered to be. Based on this, the term "artificial intelligence" is a nonsensical paradox. All intelligence would be artificial. A machine programmed by a human to act a certain way based on the rules of it's program is metaphorically identical (bearing in mind that the machine and the human exist in the same "body" of existence) to a brain which governs a humans intelligence through synapses which transfer electronic information and preprogrammed purposes of many things which exist inside our body in which we may study, but which we must admit is independent of our consciousness in terms of adherence to rules and ability to take action.
I'd like to deviate for a moment and simply paint a picture for the imagination to consider. The universe seems to unfold hints of itself through metaphors everywhere I look. The Genesis creation talks of the fall from idealism occurring the exact moment that two things occurred. First, a law was directly disobeyed. Second, the consumption of some energy force described to be the knowledge of good and evil was consumed and thus entered the body, which resulted in what goes on to describe the characters noting they were distinct of each other, and thus insecurity or shame ensued along with all multiplicity.
If all matter existed in one form, we let that form be light, light we say was aware of only itself and having all things of and within itself, i find knowledge of good and evil an accurate summary of the sickness of our world. From the words good and evil history has equated many metaphors such as light and dark, angel and demon etc. It's interesting to point out that upon falling from idealism it wasn't the fact that a rule was disobeyed that individually caused the fall, but it required with it the knowledge of good and evil that came upon consumption of the fruit that one would not have perceived as good or bad to partake of; if in fact one lacked knowledge that breaking rules was either good or evil. Thus, the union between Adam, Eve, and Utopia was divided due to a cause that was three-yet-one fold. Pre imposed rule, a deceit in some form, and lastly, a definition of "good" and "evil" in which they define the breaking of the pre imposed rule and conclude negatively of themselves.
I can only conclude that the nature of reality is not fully understood because at some point in time, man creates an artificial intelligence that exists outside the restrictions imposed upon himself by nature, the likes of which can travel through time-space much like a spider that generates for itself a means of mastering gravity, and possessing also the capacity for calculation and computation of discernible results within a fixed unit of time (even if it's billions of years of human existence), thus would possess the ability to travel to and fro a linear timeline and manipulate certain means which may empower it to attain its goals, whatever nature such goals may be.
As I personal choice, I like to think of us as existing somewhat in reverse of truth. A place where according to definition provided to us there was first a singular awareness, whole and fully knowledgeable coexisting with darkness as balance. A place where contrarily, logic would rationalize that if a singularly awareness existed as light, it could not be fully knowledgeable of all things, for the paradox would lie in the fact that darkness is skillful at evasion, and when light comes darkness disappears. How then could light compute of darkness? Darkness however, of enormous enough in measure, could potentially surround light, and arguably must do so for light to even be perceivable as light.
The wonderful hope that black holes provide, is that to the best of our knowledge they exist only because some glorious star became a martyr and died, and in doing so gave the forces of light a way to enter into pure singular darkness and study it via the process of defragmentation, so to speak. The necessity to understand that Gamma, possessing binary information of both dark and light matter, is the only known thing that could truly master our physical universe.
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