Running Out of Time

For those of us who are awakened, we must choose carefully the words and the verbs that we speak, for the power of our sound and our speech that rolls off our tongue and leeks through our teeth surely will produce words of power in what we teach and we preach, and will awaken others to its true divine belief.
The words that I have are not for fame or applause.
These words that I have they can't be ignored.
These words that I have are to be adored for the love, the good and the God in everyone of us all.
For those of us who have awakened for these vehicles to open up doors, humanity will need guidance to be steered on the right path and the right course.
Through visualization, manifestation, meditation and vibration humanity can create such a force that it will heal this planet and everyone of us all.
Th e words that i have are for humanities quest and greatest cause, and one of the greatest questions of them all is to find out our origin right down to the core.
The information that i give you is not for debate, the message is plain and simple and straight.
humanity will have to become consciously awake and reach a higher state and in this way we need to communicate.
These words that I've been given is my greatest mission. Its my right I feel to put humanity in a better position, because if I didn't i would realise in the end it would be my worst decision.
The information that I've been given there's no bracket or catagory, its in a different division and these words will hit anyone with precise precision. i don't acquire these words like Merlin the Magician and you may find it hard to comprehend this kind of composition.
I ask humanity to pay attention and listen, that's why i entered this competition.

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