Poem -



~ “do”
Without sounds
Life would be bare
Not a single bird song
Nature would be scared
~ “re”
Without sounds
The bells would not ring
The clocks that chime
Would not have a swing
~ “mi”
Without sounds
Raindrops cannot be heard
Playing in puddles
Would sound absurd
~ “fa”
Without sounds
Music would be lost
Instruments would not exist
The beats would be squashed
~ “so”
Without sounds
There would be no voice
Silence all around
There would be no choice
~ “la”
With sounds
Love blooms in all that lives
Bringing laughter into the world
An energy you just cannot resist
~ “ti”
Published in 'Ode to Melodies Memories' Anthology by Mckinley Publishing Hub - Jan 2024

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Shaun Cronick

Pratibha love your poem and also love the way you turn it around, very nice and cleverly done and a beautiful write again from you.
Reminded me of The Sound Of Music and that is never a bad thing!!!
My favourite musical.
Hope to read more and hope all is well with you my talented friend :)

Shaun xx

Pratibha Savani

Thank you for reading and your comments Shaun. I actually wrote the verses for a fb themed contest and then edited it slightly for the anthology I submitted to back in 2023.....as I was editing it came to me to add 'do re me' and I knew it would just work. I think of that musical too. I love Julie Andrews. Will be cosmo a bit more regularly from now on. Px

Shirley Harrison

Utterly true and beautiful, music and sound so very important for all the things most take for granted. I very much enjoyed this creative poem. 🌹 

Pratibha Savani

Thanks Shirley. I am pleased you enjoyed it. Nice to meet you and look fwd to reading your other writes now that i've come back on. Px

Greg Etsell

awsome poem
also nice to see
you back you shoud
put this up on trending poets
and pops 

Pratibha Savani

thanks Greg. Yea I will...its just time!!! I tend to use trending poets more than pop these days. Thanks for reading x


A lovely lighthearted and joyfully read P...hugs x

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