Story of a Boy Who Was Lighter Than Air

Story Of a Boy Who Was Lighter Than Air
Once upon a time, many years ago
There was a gloomy young boy named Pierre
Praised by his parents and cared about, though
He was so thin he floated in the air
Weighing less than a quarter of a pound
His mom and dad bound him to a wheelchairÂ
So they would keep him safely on the ground
And sought affordable medical care
'Nurse, set him free. Let's see how high he goes.'
The nurse obeyed him and so Pierre rose
Reaching the ceiling and hanging in there
The doctor, amazed, knitted his eyebrows
Staring in wonderment at the bare toesÂ
Of the poor boy who was lighter than air
With a small hammer, he knocked Pierre's head
Which sounded like completely hollow
He took a few notes into his notepad
and diagnosed him as stated below:
'Beside the fact the boy seems underfed
His empty balloon head rapidly grows.Â
For his own good, keep him tied to the bed
And never forget to shut the windows
Empty Headedness is a lifelong disease
All we can do not to let him decease
Is to try to weigh him down, I suppose
If he gets depressed let him float around
And give him these pills till he weights a pound
It may take months, but maybe years. Who knows.'
So poor Pierre spent his lifetime in bed
Doomed, withering, not prospering at all
Days and weeks passed for this dull living dead
Until what happened to be his final fall
It was his birthday when they took him outside
Having a nice party and barbecue
His mom gave him a balloon and sat alongside:Â
'You see how the balloon floats? Just like you!'
Half crazy and blue, encased in his doom
Pierre just wished to be alone in his room
To end up this tragedy he could not bear
Watching the night sky, grasping the balloon
He chose to loose up and fly to the moon
And rose up to the stars, high in the air
Next day in the morning, Pierre was found
Hanging on the ceiling from a balloon noose
On a nearby hill, they made a grave mound
For the poor boy who was finally loose
A floating balloon instead of a wreath
Sticking in the air from the loosened ground
Will forever remind the hopeless grief
For the most pitiful child ever foundÂ
Could've stayed longer, but didn't get a chance
Judged by the people at their first glance
He turned into a fall breeze that gently blows
'God is Omniscient. He Sees and Knows.'
So says the headstone of little Pierre
The gloomy poor boy who was lighter than air

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