Death tastes like..
Let me tell you how death tastes darlingĀ
Like the ashes of a burning Apple tree
Crumbling embers of a forgotten futureĀ
Left to the wind
Swept into your mouth by the sweet summer breezeĀ
The rotting core of the Apple lodged in your throat to stop the screams
Its seeds taking hold in your lungsĀ
Sprouting twisted gnarly roots of smoke and sootĀ
Constricting your air flow
The sweet taste of summer dies on your lips
As the smoke and ash climb your throat and reach your brainĀ
Restricting oxygen, pushing in on all sidesĀ
Clouding your vision with tears from the searing pain of the burning Apple tree growing inside of you
Death is not sweet my dear remember this
Death tastes like decaying from the insideĀ
The outside is inviting
But the inside is rotten
Take this Apple from my tree
Take a biteĀ
And you will see
Death never tastes like sweet victory
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