Although I am all for equality
these days,
I can’t help but think, every
now and again,
it might be quite nice to have
a few slaves around to
keep all the servants company ..
Sorry, but this did make me smile. I am no way, shape or form 'for' slavery. It's abhorrent. Having said that, we can't be politically correct ALL the time. We have to make light of things sometimes. Is that bad of me? Maybe x
Not at all .. and obviously I'm not for it but if it gets a point across then I can live with that and happily .. I bet you do make good bad tho' don'tcha x
Haha Haha LOL!
Not an altogether unwelcome response .. bless you Tina am so glad this tickled ya tonsils x
Sorry, but this did make me smile. I am no way, shape or form 'for' slavery. It's abhorrent. Having said that, we can't be politically correct ALL the time. We have to make light of things sometimes. Is that bad of me? Maybe x
Not at all .. and obviously I'm not for it but if it gets a point across then I can live with that and happily .. I bet you do make good bad tho' don'tcha x
'Master & Servant.' Not so funny but true. Great Write.
That's good, its not meant to be funny in the way most people regard funny, it's meant to be funny in a satirical manner .. thanks Jacques