Tears Of The Earth

Inspired by Michael Hoppe and Tim Wheater’s beautiful song
Mother Nature sobs in horror, as she hears them every day;
The cries from her Beloved Children, being torn from her away!
They yell “Mommy don’t let them take us, we don’t want to leave your side”;
But Mankind then overpowers her, the laws they don’t abide!
Her trees in the Amazon Forests, mown down so mercilessly;
And the “freakers” do their fracking, unconcerned with consequences to be!
Her oceans, seas and rivers, now filled with lethal waste;
The water from our faucets, too foul to even taste!
Her Icebergs are all melting, the waters begin to swell;
Global Warming is upon us, the Earth will soon be “Hell”!
The tears of Mother Nature, the greed of Humanity;
She will cry for half a century, till her Earth no longer be!
Apocalypse looms
The Four Horsemen come our way
Now begins the end

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This is SO wild brother..... coincidence?...... amazing is what it is!!......I did a poem called "Mother Nature's Crying"....... not only did it elude to many of the same points and concerns..... but it has the exact same picture accompanying it...... and if I recall correctly....I think it was one of the writes that I received way more comments than expected......out everything I've written....... this is just blowing me away.....I can't tell you how many strange occurrences and coincidences have been taking place in my life lately... Wow!!.......I guess the universe is trying to teach me something....... I'm so glad I caught this LARRY.... because I haven't been on here much lately.....and I apologize for not keeping up with your stuff more..... I caught one of yours yesterday but this write..... as DBLANKPORTRAIT said ~ "Brilliant write my friend"...... and an excellent way to start my day!!......thanx for this brother!!......ttyl.......T xo ?✳✴☀♥
Holy Shit! If I could even remember what happened last week, I would accuse myself of unintentional plagiarism. But, I know that it goes far beyond that, because both our souls weep for Mother Nature, and it is no coincidence that we would express ourselves in the same manner. I'm going to pull up your poem, but I am sure I responded when you wrote it. If I feel mine is half as good as yours, I will accept your beautiful words of, "Brilliant write my friend".
Peace, Love and Rockets,
Larry xxx
"and now
as we ready to self-destruct
there is very little left to
which makes the tragedy
less and more
much much
more." Bukowski
Mankind will probably learn the hard way. And by then it will be almost all gone. Brillaint write Larry on a topic that should resonate around the world
My Dear Friend Lost,
Your unparalleled responses, "resonate around my world". Having only met a month ago, I now know that you were an early birthday gift to me from the stars. I am so fortunate to have "unwrapped" such a treasure. As usual, I part with a Haiku.
Little left to kill
Mankind's demise imminent
Tragedy complete
Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
Larry, my dear friend...
the hoof-beats ring out
conquest, war, famine and death
blight the mother's face
your friend & fan,
J ;)
My Dear Friend Jason,
Armageddon comes
Retribution for Mankind
Honor thy Mother
Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
This is timely...It's not a coincidence that someone and I talked of Global Warming this morning and I expressed how scared I am of how the world is being destroyed by we human beings....We are destroying what we're supposed to nurture and a lot of people don't even care...Reading this now, made me feel as if I had read this earlier....There is impending doom...God help us!!
Love you
My Dear Sweet Rose,
Yes, sweetie, you hit the nail right on the head! "There is impending doom. God help us". Mankind is his own worst enemy, destroying our environment for greed. Are we too late to save Mother Nature? Only time will tell.
Love you too,
Daddio xxx