The English rose

The definity of absolutely beautiful is to me the exquisite English rose, as I ponder on it’s sheer pureness whilst I hold it to my nose
An overwhelming fragrance is instantly perceived, such a pleasant floral smell which has to be inhaled to be believed
One single pretty rose petal so delicately moulded, fallen from above a green tall stem of which is so precisely folded
Little lustered layers of true transparency, twenty-four carat perfection of clear clarity
Can one compare any other form or fashion to an English angelic rose ? tho they do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder so therefore my answer is ‘Goodness know’s’
One single natural English rose
standing so impressively proud
Betwixt an appreciative aroma
Within it’s floral, fragile shroud
Whilst a bunch of random roses
In a diversity of subtle shaded colouration, is a beauteous, bewitching bouquet from Mother nature’s charismatic creation

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You have to respect the ecosystem and all that it does to sustain life. The light and the water make all that teaches us possible. The grace of it all, even when referring to the violent or threatening, makes you also realize your place in the scheme of things.
Our " playground " is our nutrition and our support on a journey which we choose to define, in our own way. How can this environment be anything but the most glorious, when sourcing fundamental principles of mankind's requirements from its history ?
The rose has always been an important flower. The thorn tied to the delicate petal represents extremes of nature. You can hurt yourself on this plant or appreciate its beautiful sensory delight. It aptly suits a symbol of the ecosystem we live in. This iconic bloom and its stem are the majesty, or grace, of life within this habitat of ours. The texture or fabric of everything surveyed can be appreciated here, do you not think ? The good and the bad blended in wonderful form.
Wishing you the very best !! :) :)
Awww I love your descriptive wise words, thank you so much Richard ?