The hands of time
Turn back the hour
or is it forwards this time.
The magical question asked a lot
when it’s clock change
next question followed is effect of did you change the clock!
funny little things all people will tend to repeatedly do
each time it’s due again the community goes wild checkin if all have done it right again or knew!
Time measures all of life, human animal or plants life times.
The only true measurement once I herd remembered and believed as it’s right.
Time measures differently in different ways to explain its purpose it’s length it’s amount served each time.
Days weeks months years from start to end
day or night here or there, even death adds or equals more time.
Until extinct fully gone of this earth with no one left to record the death years amount of time or no species to breed to continue a strain of life or evolution but each still had their period or era as time lived species once exist or previous to now known man kind.
A small word , a never ending true conclusion of when it ends, as it continues to another phase for each thing, human, animal or anything once with life.
Time wAits for no one and on nothing, it has no perfection or happy ending for anyone or anything.
When words are said it’s ones time to go I always question who said so?
When someone is late they never point out, only Cse someone made a clock and named it and you chose a number yourself, no one is ever late or ever early or on time as it’s only clocked as a measurement to help us mankind, but it was also named invented discovered by us, once upon a time!
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