The Love of Perseus Inspired by Jason Brown’s poem “Medusa II”

I, Perseus, have found love
Yet, it threatens my very being
For also have I found a coldness in her gaze
It belies the warmth she attempts to impart
So, I must shield my heart, and tread lightly
I must reach to its scabbard
And surreptitiously wield my sword
So this love won't go to "my" head
But to hers
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Hi Larry, this is such an excellent inspired poem!!..protecting a heart from potential pain really is important! Sometimes it proves difficult and sometimes it's worth putting down the shield!!....Just my thoughts when reading!!...Lots to think about in this....I really enjoyed it..
Lorna xx
My Dear Lorna,
I think had Perseus not seen subterfuge in her eyes, he would have laid down his shield, and bared his heart. Of course there is the other side of the coin, for how many women have laid down their shields, only to have their hearts broken? Those of us that find our true loves in soulmates, are very fortunate.
Hugs, Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
Larry, my dear friend...
Once again, I'm so very glad you chose to share this beautiful, moving and perceptive work with the wider Cosmo community.
For millennia, poets have contemplated the ancient tales; seen the reflection of their own hearts therein: and written accordingly.
The fact that we're still doing that proves, I think, that the exercise is; and always has been: a worthwhile and fruitful one. It's particularly worthwhile and fruitful, when a poet of talent and insight turns his pen to the task; a fact borne out by the present work.
your friend & fan,
J ;)
My Dear Friend Jason,
Since joining Cosmo, I have been tutored by some of the greatest minds in the world. They have propelled me to new heights, that I never dreamed of. I call them my "Guru's", for they inspire me to be all that I can be as a poet. You are most assuredly one of them.
Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
Hey LARRY!!...... doesn't her head get chopped off and put into a bag (smiles)....... just had to smile at the back forth inspiration you two derive from one another....... clever retort my friend!!....... always a pleasure........ High fives & a Fistful-o-Stars !!.........LOVE and ROCKETS!!.......T xo. ?☀✴✳
My Dear Brother Tony,
Absolutely, Perseus ends up cutting off her head, but in my poem, he is still finding out about her evil ways. She is beautiful, and he has fallen in love, yet he is starting to notice signs of untruths. As the last line predicts, her head will be lost. As I told Cherie yesterday, she, you, and Jason, are a trio of great inspiration for me.
Peace, Love and Rockets,
Larry xxx
You did a beautiful Job here... Jason is such a fine writer as well as my Daddio... I'm glad he inspired you to pen this... Lovely write
Love you
My Sweet Rose,
Jason is a wonderful inspiration to me, whom, through his works, has greatly improved mine.
You too, inspire me, because from the first day you wrote me about helping you with Haikus, I was privileged to meet one of the most gentle souls I have ever encountered.
Love you,
Daddio xxx