Many Men and Women due to their age may be called, though they behave as Children that I'm sure they would prefer for us to ignore, are the same Members of Congress who want to be President and rule our Nation...
The Day before Attorney General Barr sat through hours of gruelling questions on a subject that the main hearing was set for a completely different agenda...
Many are aware some Countries were run by people with integrity and others by solid people who stand on higher ground...
That's great for those Countries who take the needs of their people, take the safety of their people and take their jobs that the people pay them to do, seriously...
That's them...
We know them by their success...
We may one day stand and say one of our Congress Members is the President of the United States of America who sat and watched our Country and helped aid it into the Swamp...
Salute and Stand Proud!
Maybe, no one will kneel on the Field...
Welcome to America where you build dreams for others and watch yours die and get buried...
The New Motto!
Everyone says YAY!
The Media looks like a Feeding Frenzy on the behalf of a Fake Chicken...
Good thing they carry a Camera...
Who says Photography isn't productive?
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Let's not forget some are Senators, Governors, Mayors and other high profile positions within our States...
I love to see them at work!!
Don't you?
Hugs again...
LOL!!.... you're such a trip girlfriend.... my apologies for not having kept up with much of your stuff lately...... you're one of my favorite personalities on this site.....ALWAYS bravely painting the truth!!..... Love this...... You'd probably get a kick out of my recent post of "The Politics Of Vampires"....VERY complimentary to this write...... anyway, I enjoy your style VERY much dear poet sister!!.... Always have ~ Always Will!!........ Big Smiles!!.......T xo ?✴❤
Hello Tony...
I think they missed their true calling...
I find them more Comedy like rather than Political...
I'm waiting for Fisa Court to find out they've been scammed...
I find this very entertaining myself...
I think we've got some Theatrics going on too...
Take them out of the Camera I wonder if they work...
I'd rather be seen working than playing especially, if I'm getting paid to work...
Pay me to play I can do that too...
I think they're lying to the American People?
They wouldn't really do that to win...
Would they❓
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Hugs and Smiles!
Love and Rockets!
Hello Silent Dreamer...
We have a serious homeless problem and we're helping Illegal Immigrants with everything...
We don't take care of own Veterans that well...
They're going to give us everything at the cost to us of over 100 Trillion Dollars...
We're paying for people who aren't doing their jobs, we're supporting Illegal Immigrants and Legal Citizens are sleeping on the Streets in the cold, rain, and in the blazing heat...
Our Elderly are starving...
Our Children are hungry...
They're going to take care of us?
U.S. Citizens should be scared, very scared!
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
do you know why we have homeless problem 80% of tham are
mentally ill and there is NO hospitals to put tham in bec thay were all closed
down back in 80s bec are gov didn't want fund it any more now the 80% are not on meds then came the day when there was so much meds out to take for it but no one wanted to take tham but there is nother 80 % who take there meds and still off the wall so that is why we have homeless in here in this county
Hello Greg...
My first run in with a homeless man he was a Veteran over 45 years ago who was an amputee...
I was just a child and I asked my Mom if we could help him and bring him home?
She told me you bring home every stray you see no we can't being everyone home...
She reached in her wallet and have him a couple of dollars...
Back then that was a lot of money...
Have you actually sat down and listened to their stories?
Or are you just going on what you hear from others?
Women with children?
Being beaten out of their house...
Shady Landlords evicting for the place..
I think you're basing it on a 100 percent statistics...
Work it out on a Thousand...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
I worked in supermarket for 24 years saw many homeless one lady that was sleeping in her car with her son she was in side the store one time crying
I ask her what was wrong she said she was homeless so i gave her $20 she said I cant pay you back i said i dont care she had bad lag in the winter she went to homeless shelter then end up in the hospital and lost her lag but it truned around for her when the the state help her out got her housing
then she got job after that and did much better we were friends a nther lady
I know got kick out of her house and also slept in her car for 2 year she got help from the start and did very well after that and we are still friends today
I have givein lots money food to homless over the years I understand about women who are abused are kick out like I said 80 % of the homeless out there
are mentally ill and yes there are lest 50 % of the homeless want to be homeless so that thay can get help from the state a good place to be homeless is CA so look it up and see what I am talking about ok
P.S also in boston there is place for women can go who are adused it called
THE PINE STREET INN thay can get help there and get your life back together look tham up to you want but the main thing that Pine street inn
is to help men and women get there life back together and not be homeless
Hello Greg...
I'm aware of the problems in CA and homeless problems around the Globe...
There's all sorts of Shelters but, the length of stay and type of help varies...
We know these problems didn't happen over night but, when things are ignored and allowed to fester and we look at the all the problems and people don't take accountability for their contribution or lack of like a disease left untreated it only gets worse...
Thanks again for your comment and the info...
I hope people up there and everywhere can get the help they need and and I have my own reasons why I lost a lot of respect for Doctors, Pharmaceutical companies and other so called Authorities...
Hugs again...