{or sleepwalker}

My thoughts, ancillary to my mind's bidding
Its ineffable state, in conference with the universal,
Does somehow express that which I could not comprehend
And yet, there they are, my thoughts
Quite well conveyed, in the form of poetry and prose
Staring back at me, smiling, with no regrets,
Am I a Somnambulist? I could be, I suppose,
But then, to what end?.....
Shall I drink of poison, then upon waking
Discern that I am indeed the dreamer
And my ego doing the sleepwalking,
Who, through all of this, being put to the test
And having no regrets for murdering
His other self!!...
Or, the poison itself, placed back on the shelf
That my alter-ego might drink of it
Inside another dream perhaps,
Where being apotropaic
Requires stealth
And the wherewithal
To abide this test
While, wide awake
And well enough
To understand
My mind's bidding,
The Dreamer
The Somnambulist....
Tony Taylor
*a crazy work in progress
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Wow some words I had to look up Tony.... Amazing!!! I think you have swallowed a dictionary for your sunday lunch 🤣 your poetry is always impressive and so academic 💕⭐️💙💕
That's AWESOME!!....I am so happy that you took the time to look up those words......I mean, that 's our business right?....words.....and for me (personally) I LOVE finding new words to work with ~ I bet one of them was "Apotropaic"......right?......I REALLY had fun with this....thanx so much for delving in where few take the time to go!!......High Fives Girlfriend!!......Peace.......T xo : )
Haha yes well I adore words too & would love to invent my own 🤣🤣💕💙💕
Why not JILL....Edgar Allen Poe did it in a LOT of his poems......I didn't make up any in this one....But I have CREATED them in poems before!!....It's the power of the pen and/or 'Poetic License' !!.......smiles......talk soon....T xo : )
Aww I love the poetic license haha we can write exactly what we want!!! 🤣🤣 & that my friend is absolutely barrily screeemoooninglous!!!!!!!
And a WONDERFUL comment as well!!.....smiles.....T xo : )
Tony, great work on display filled and finely woven with superb lines and imagery to any lucky reader and I notice it is still work in progress sir.⭐️
Good luck attaining your finished article and certainly one to view.
Thank you for writing and sharing and after reading, Poe once wrote...
Is all that we see and seem,
But a dream within a dream?
Good luck Tony.