The strangeness of dreams

My heart is a paper rose,
who has seen the sun and moon,
merge into each other,
in my dreams,
embracing eventuality,
I am a man who has seen the pulse of the universe,
and felt the bloodflow of its nourishment,
seeping into my mind, but it was not always like this,
before I was thankless and mislead,
bareless to unending time,
Who for too many days,
drew eternity on the bellies of clouds, there
not noticing the beauty of nature till that moment
I refused to grow up,
Living in an empire of unreasonable risk,
I am found deep in the embrace of chance,
where I own palaces and am the king
of a kind of uncertainty,
buy low sell high,
hah. The ire and irony.
Money don't make you the Kula Rig.
That is who I am now,
I contain legions of multitudes,
unearthed by the feathers on my path,
where I was once the cosmic Icarus,
born again to warn the others.
The They are sending me the ripplecasts again...(creative writing, duhworry).
I had a dream last night I teleported to the old Kodak plant,
by my old home and school in Toronto,
which was now a place in China for some reason,
There was a stone garden made out of chips of bark,
organized into waves or swirls revealing an ancient stone,
that had something like scars in it,
a little girl was using a broom to in the dark recompose the waves,
all of this great rock, this great scarred stoneface, adorning the slope,
was on an almost mountain like hill slope, that was very majestic.
there was a bus that I took there I think, many images were in a sort of
fish eye lens where I would crane over things, that's how I saw things.
I don't remember walking to the bus, I may have teleported,
I cannot remember, any of the dream, (takes mirror out of backpack), oh wait, there's this...
I got to the hillside and outside were people painting over the amazing looking indenting cracks in the hill,
with glow in the dark paint, that was lit up by the nightwork moonset, glow iterated in the milky night soupy fog atmosphere.
The chips were there like swirls revealing the veins of now glowing sinewy connections that surrounded a house, where the plant used to be, and the area was unrecognizable but there were towers and I was there waiting for a bus too, it was like two stories were taking place at the same location, like I was simultaneously in two places at once. The beauty of the huge building very clamshell like dark with amazing alien architecture and strata of lights, in the foggy night that seemed to light up from within every part of the somewhat glowey cloud I was in I had realized I had taken the wrong path and then I teleported to the beginning of the dream...and then was brought to the home again as If I could just be a wave of energy and be anywhere I wanted to.
At the house I was simultaneously in my body and looking at it from about two to three meters away over my left shoulder. There I asked what the woman and her daughter were doing, I cannot remember if she was wearing Japanese geisha clothing, some variety of that a really baggy clothing and it seemed flowery but everything was dark, so I could not make it out she had a pail and was putting a very watered down glow in the dark paint that seemed to capture and glow like the moon, and she said she was instructed by her husband who was a ghost to do this, and I was moved by the beauty of it, and I think I would have helped but then I got a sense of crisis and was in a hallway maybe a mile down the road it was both at the top and the bottom of the hill (but this does not at all look like the Kodak plant it was as if it was reconstructed in some other planet where everything was the same except that spot, it was like a 'chainchannel" of an alternate universe that was telling me a story about something it wanted me to remember maybe before I forgot...I looked above myself and I am at the bus area looking at the tall clam like building with jetting amazing architectural elements growing from the ground like a crystal and realize it's the same site as another place I had been where there was a roller coaster, well maybe it was not the same place but it reminded me of it, and there were these arching beams over the sky like the ones at Nathan Phillips square but they spanned at least maybe a Kilometer or so...I kept moving around I don't know if it's in the dream as much or in how I am reconstructing it, there seems to be a disjointedness in both the dream and the reconstruction of the dream, I notice myself a few times at the bottom of the hill it was maybe three or so miles away close to where the skating rink was that we would walk to as a child where I would always stop to pick up feathers I would find and study from the pigeons that took shelter under the bridge...and I kept in the dream flashing to that point a few times, where I am far off looking at the whole scene, but immersed in it.
There was a man whose body sort of went from looking solid to a translucent see through body, cast over a plane, that had a layer there and then a layer that would recede into the space around it... it was maybe me as a young Asian man in his mid twenties is my guess, he was wearing Shaolin leg warmer type sock boots and everything else was a sort of futuristic kind of clothing, and he wore a long scarf...I had a sense of wonder and connection to the person, but was very disoriented by how things were slowing down then going on quickly, we were floating now just about a meter over the ground, and the darkness such that I could look into a body now receding into the image of the house and I was then a distance from the house, and he brought me to the moment that I was first teleported I reached into my knapsack and took out the folding darkmirror I thought about the day before (as a concept for a story, it's a mirror that casts shadows so dark they sort of draw everything into it, with a wind like force as your eyes glow incandescent, when you hold it and think with a particular intention on a scene, a darkness flows out of it and absorbs just the areas its cast on and it captures difficult memories and monsters) and the Asian me smiled and then I looked up to notice the house and the building too, from way under it, but by this time I was just consciousness taking snapshots of parts of the region, like my body was no longer there I was just a disembodied eye, just a place in an array of relations that I could move about that would quicken up or slow down for a moment, at will...and this was so weird to me I woke up in my sleep...the strangeness of dreams.
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The first line is appropriated from the first line of a poem in the book Soul Organ by my friend Thomas Jaeger.