Your a Moran no not a oxide Moran just a Moran your orange maybe we should light you up for Halloween for rahl Dal must off seen you coming he wrote u in to the Charlie and chocolate factory
But sorry you don't exist your just a story
Does that mean you can't dictate
You look like a horse maybe you should off bin called Stalin
Trump ur a orange idiot
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Hello Spike...
UK Right?
Yeah the people here are making more money than they have in decades and the Tourists who travel will be able to spend more as long as the prices of our goods don't increase too much...
Such a terrible thing and I'm sure many would agree with you...
They even offer more tuition fees College for the ones who can't afford it...
Oops another terrible thing...
I'm sure they have many complaints about this mailed to them everyday...
Doesn't the UK control the United States or is it the other way around?
Or are we just one combined unit?
Real great things we hear about the UK and yet many go to the Carribbean...
That's weird...
Great write!
Thank you for sharing...
Tuition fees= Tuition Free
Thank u I'm just going on media posts but thank you ya UK is a mess but lot o ff its hidden from us sparrowsong
Thank u I'm just going on media posts but thank you ya UK is a mess but lot o ff its hidden from us sparrowsong