Most of Venezuela is in the dark...
People are starving...
People are dying...
Many are giving their children away...
When the Candidate said Vote for me and they did...
Did he tell them his plan?
Were they already warned?
Did he lie?
He's in and now they're having a hard time getting him out...
They probably knew and voted for him anyway?
This won't happen in the U.S.?
They thought that too...
Otherwise, they wouldn't be shocked?
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Hey sparow it’s amazing how much of the so called free world is actually corrupt
great write?
Look around you and the things you have...
People know what they're earning...
They know how they're doing and what they have...
Would you go to School in the Dark?
See Doctors in the Dark?
Go to the Emergency Room in the Dark?
You need surgery?
Hope they have all the resources to run the generator for 14 hours for one person...
That person is you?
First, is it even open?
Beneficial to those who don't want to live, not much if you do...
Hello Edward...
Did you think it was corruptionless?
That's so funny!
It takes some talent to Romance the crowd...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Hello Silent Dreamer...
The Government has been warning us for years about the AMP Blackout here in the U.S. that could last a year or longer...
Also, they warned about huge death toll...
We could get a double whammy very easily which would effect the World with one terrible scenario, we're facing two...
People are beginning to take it seriously and doing research...
This clock has been ticking for 20 years...
People don't want to avoid it they want to go head first into it and take whatever sucker they can with them...
All I can do is watch...
People are getting arrested in Venezuela and being placed into FEMA Camps...
We have them in plain sight and hidden with just a few adjustments Wal-Mart's are ready anytime, also Airports too...
Those make shift stackable Coffins that Obama ordered in, thousands and thousands of them...
Some people said I was crazy...
Some people did take time and researched it...
I might have a good imagination but, I can't make this stuff up nor, would I want too...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
AMP * EMP Blackout
Electro magnetic pulse for any one who doesn’t know what that is?
Hello Edward...
Some people don't know what that is?
I thought it was just important common knowledge...
Hugs again...
And make matters worse it dosent have to be the government.. a good solar flare could wipe out all communications banking everything electronic .. we are so vonerable
Hello Edward...
I didn't say the Government is responsible for it I said they earned us...
If it's some demented plan and they warn us we would have to see them as a Group of Murderers wouldn't we?
They won't just do it we would have to vote for it...
I don't know Canada it's how it works here or it's blamed on something else...
I don't get involved in others politics like Brexit and everything else...
If I see it as a possibility of our future it concerns me, my family, and my friends...
Just like I won't allow hate to decide my well being...
Hugs again...
earned* warned