Prisoners can learn about God...
They can learn a Trade...
They learn what not to do and how not to get caught...
Yet, they're in lock-up...
They come out educated and schooled...
Facing the Parole Board in hopes of being set free...
Education in Schools...
What are Children learning?
Prisoners were once Students, probably...
Some came from a loving home...
Some were educated on our Streets...
People are learning how to build bombs...
Too bad we can't learn how to build homes...
We learn hate...
That's easy...
Love is taught so very wrong and we expect a Miracle...
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Correct, very easy to hate, hard to love. Hard to build, easy to destroy. Great write.
Hello Lauren...
Easier said than done my friend!
Considering the way People think about what love is themselves...
Some adults still have it wrong and they are Teachers even if they don't have a Classroom...
We are shown things on Television, Magazines, Videos, DVD's, Blue Ray, Books, and the Internet...
Then the Followers of such come out from the Woodwork declaring what love is...
When someone who really knows comes forward, they will have my undivided attention...
Not sitting on the Fence being all wishy washy and I'm becoming a Gambler betting on which side they'll land...
A Gambler becomes addicted by the Win that ends up in their pockets...
They don't cry on their way to the Bank...
Unless, they're happy tears...
Thank you for your kind comment and support my friend!
Love & Hugs
Very true. So easy to teach the wrong things! We should be teaching people how to live correctly at a very young age. Great Write
Hello Gerard...
So many images came into my head with your comment...
Build a House of Cards...
Takes a long time, balance, creativity, concentration...
Someone bumps the table or just walks by, it's now just a card pile, once again...
That's just one example...
Thank you for your kind comment and support my friend!
Hello Gregory...
The Children are our Future and theirs...
To teach children how to live correctly...
Where and Who and How does that begin to begin when Adults don't have it figured out, yet?
They are Mom and Dad after all, or someone who is supposed to be Older and/or Wiser, so they claim...
How do kids stand a chance?
Not from many Adults words and behaviors, we can hope...
Thank you for your kind comment and support my friend!
Hello Tina...
We shouldn't leave everything up to the Teachers and Educators...
But, the Public Schools shouldn't be able to dictate the Colors of Uniforms, either...
If they don't want to Teach the Bible or whatever then should have no say on what the Students wear, as long as the clothing is appropriate...
Children will never know they're individuality, they're hopes and dreams will always be the Guidance of someone else and they will end up completely lost and afraid to venture and not know their true talent and abilities...
Not an enjoyable life, I would say...
People struggle it's not about who can do what for their children...
Very spoiled and privileged children have their problems too...
I would have a difficult time respecting my Parents if they did what they were told concerning every aspect of my life...
People are more messed up now then even a Decade ago...
Do I want to see the effects of all of this 20 years from now?
My Parents are probably rolling over in their Graves if they could, wondering what happened?
Glad to be where they are...
Feeling sorry for me, my Children and Grandchildren, if they could...
They'd probably have me living at the Supreme Court and run out of money on my Bail...
That's not a joke...
Thank you for your kind comment and support my friend!
Hello Sis Cherie...
That's a major concern...
You want to be careful, you don't want to confuse them between what's right and the School Curriculum they are being taught because, when it comes to Grades, Tests, Scores they will be tested on what they are learning in School...
There has been some situations where Parents aren't allowed during school hours, And School Nurses aren't notifying Parents of a problem...
Principlals and Assistant Principals aren't concerned...
I have been randomly doing some checking on things and I can't believe my eyes and nothing is being done other than the punishment of the children and parents and Guardians...
There are Parents who if they are wanting to set a great example for their Children they have completely missed the mark...
Children are Parrots they repeat everything they hear from their very first word...
They know things that we find out later we didn't know they knew...
It doesn't matter how sheltered they are because once they leave the Nest they most of the time take their Freedom to the extreme...
Many of my friends lived a very sheltered life and I had a lot of Freedom and they don't handle a lot things well...
Many of us lost our Parents and we don't really talk anymore because we don't relate to each other anymore...
We used to talk all the time, because they wanted me to help get them through and I did...
But, for now they don't need me anymore...
I wish them all the best and if they want to talk they know where I am...
But, they're very depressed, confused, and doing things that I don't understand...
I am much more concerned for the Generations behind us...
Not just what they're learning at School but in many things that People think as acceptable...
Thank you for your kind comment and support my friend!
Love n Hugs
WOW!!..I REALLY love what you've done here.... you've started a GREAT conversation amongst writers and poets and artists all!!.... the comments were as educational to read as your poem itself!!....STUNNING subject matter from the pen of a true thinker!!..... well considered!....well done FEATHERS!!..... Love your stuff!!.....smokin' grooves girlfriend !!.....PINNED!!.....LOVE and ROCKETS!!.....T xo ?✳✴☀♥???
Hi Sparrowsong, what a brilliant write and controvertial subject matter! education is the mainstay of humanity but education isnt necessarily the 3 R's - we all have a responsibility to educated each new generation- not just the academic stuff but the real humanities - kindness, respect, responsibility, empathy and honour and more importantly the importance of love! Another excellent write my dear friend and one that I will be contemplating on... xxx
Hello Tony...
I am like, WOW!!
The Great response is Fantastic!
It's a wonderful thing that people are concerned and the conversations are good...
The Children are the ones we have to stand up for because they don't know...
They don't know the things they're being taught is actually right or wrong...
They believe that it is...
As long as we are confused, thinking wrong is right and right is wrong and then Education adds more confusion...
Only one thing can come of that...
Thank you for your wonderful comment and support my friend!
Hugz and Smiles!
Love and Rockets!
Hello Lodigiana...
They want to accept everything as is...
They think it's a Victory what's been accomplished...
I see it as yeah we'll just help them dig us deeper in their pile of Dung that doesn't seem to have a shortage or overload at all...
That's one thing no one complains about too much or too little Dung...
I guess everyone is happy with the amount...
That's sad, very sad that that's the one thing we don't argue about...
Seems like the only thing...
Also, shows Unity is possible...
Thank you for your kind comment and support my friend!