What i miss in life the most

What I miss in life the most...
There’s so many things in life that I miss the most,
From each of my child’s births,
And the beginning of each of their stories that their futures each hold.
To holding my boys on my shoulders at even 6 years old.
For Bradley I think it stopped 2 years before.
Kobe had the best of me,
When I was in my fatherly prime.
Don’t get me wrong,
As my love for each of them,
Is equally as strong,
That’ll be like that,
 for infinity amounts of time.
They are my beacons of light,
Part of the only goodness left in my life.
Side by side with my family,
But obviously more.
I miss chasing the boys round a football pitch,
And the fact I was able to pass on to kobe,
What i've learnt through football.
Coaching him goalkeeping one on one.
Pity it wasn’t as is now,
And a rugby ball.
I miss doing the things I’ve never done,
As I’ll never be able,
I know that sounds silly,
But I would be able if less disabled.
Again though,
I’ve got what I’ve got and,
Except from my health,
I wouldn’t change a thing,
I’m happy with my lot.
As I love what the 3 boys and I,
Bring to the table.
It’s Just our real life,
No story I tell,
is that of a fable.
I Miss my dad and my family passed on.
On to another world,
Where that is,
Who knows.
There’s 1 thing for certain,
Wherever it is,
Forever it grows.
I miss the way he used to throw me up in his arms,
And fireman lift me to bed after match of the day
I miss being a ballerina in the kitchen.
Dancing round chefs,
Each and every station,
Dash of turmeric here,
A few droplets of chorizo oil,
Dashed here and there,
Changing even the simplistic of dishes,
Just from the chorizos' red flare.
Building and shaping,
A menu with love and care.
As a chef you’ve a relationship to food,
Of which nothing compares.
No one of the outside world understands,
Who cares.
I just miss being a chef,
Along with everything else.
I hate not working,
So always trying my hand at different bits.
No matter the path though,
In the way my health gets.
I miss the four legged friends,
 we had as a family,
All of which were such loving pets.
Kai and Tizer and even our cat nips.
We loved those animals.
We loved them to bits.
Tizer used to bounce,
Whereas kai was blind,
You’d never have thought it,
With all the things she would find.
Nips was just cute,
With a fluffy black fluffyl
I miss walking 6 dogs at a time,
I miss their friendship in the day,
When there’s no one at mine.
The dog slewp overs we used to have,
Each time,
A different kind.
I’m grateful,
that my kids get to grow in the surroundings around us.
That’s one thing i don’t miss,
Is all the town hustle,
And my kids not being able,
to play out at their ages,
As Town for kids at night,
Is more than dangerous.
I love though,
All of the things I getbto watch my kids do,
Even though,
I’d love to be doing it too.Â
But it’s them I want happy.
Not me or you.Â
My kids are my everything,
And without them,
I miss all 3 too!
I think in life,
We need to remember the forgotten,
Whether people or pets,
They gave us memories,
That in our minds eye,
Will forever be written.
I miss all of the above and more.
I hate moving on.
Leaving the past behind,
But if we didn’t,
We’d find ourselves in one hell of a bind.

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