Rockets are flying...
People are dying...
Women being dragged down streets bleeding and naked for all to see...
Beaten and Raped...
Dragged out of their Music Festivals, Homes, Jobs, and anywhere as people were just minding their own business...
The invasion went straight through the Border...
What are you doing today?
What's happening?
Today you're safe?
Minding your own business?
How protected do you feel?
What's stopping this fromΒ happening to you and all around you at this very minute?
Who is to protect the people, the towns, the cities, and anything that made you smile?
ββββββWhat's happening?
How strong is your LEADERSHIP?
How strong does the World see it?
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2025, that's when everything will change.
Hello Gerard...
Better or for Worse?
What information do you have?
ββββββ2025 everything will change?
It sure will but, things can only get higher right?
We'll really see the wreckage they did to the children?
They're going to try and fix everything by next year...
They've already started working on it by saying they're going to put some of Trump's policies back in play after 3 years...
Thank you for your comment...
Ever since mankind was invented ...we've killed each other...it will never stop untill something kills mankind. This is what age and...'wisdom' do to you...you realise we as a species are genitically flawed...Great write love...x
Hello Marion...
ββββThat's a choice...
People can research more easily than before...
ββββββThe Government has only proven how easy some people can be brainwashed...
It's actually an incredibly high number...
Now, they have them working multiple jobs and paying more in taxes...
I must say...
They know how to make people do that really well...
They definitely got the votes...
Easier than taking candy from a baby...
They were really hoping people would believe they were the best choice...
I can't blame them...
They're really good at what they do...
Who wants Prosperity, Freedom, Independence?
An American...
Poverty and high crime has a much better ring to it, apparently...
It's not my favorite...
You like what you like...
You don't what you don't...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!