Poem -



-----------* An interesting note on poets and poetry that follows this poem...please read.-----------

Plunder postcards,

edge symphonics,

Space is but the first frontier,

charming peptide pontificates,

the undulating ripcord,

parachute omelette,

falls from bucolic trope,

modifying the modified.

Edge of hyper-reason,

echoing in the Mandelbrot set,

Lorenz attractors repelling doubt,

etched in the fractal geology

of their stone's throw from history.

Capsizing ripplecasted tsunamis,

near epicenter's mnemonic,

revisited in mutation's memory,

dropped from the isentropy of disregard.

Meaning is not a thing,

not in things,

not in places,

not in spaces,

not in histories,

not in the future,

it's now,

placing all things,

giving accord and account,

to the connection between all disparative elements,

summoning the cadences of a cadmium pulse.

Deep in the veins paper thin membrane,

a will collapsed by fate makes destiny a recipient of hope,

As all along the watchtower,

the guards track the cost of freedom,

made of corporate agreement,

to perpetuate corporate agreement,

at the expense of free will.

This act, making emancipative that which succumbs order,

to the ordainment of collective visions,

made surely of the persuasion and incentives,

of those prepared to manage motivations,

for those who care not,

to be drawn in chariots,

across the Apollonic skies.

Make a *"sophogony" of cosmogony's science,

that myth and observation should breed,

in the fertile imagination of destiny,

where all the Gods retire.

* New word I just made up meaning *the wisdom of the study of origins, I've got well over five hundred words I have made up.  I hope to add as many new words to the English vocabulary as possible, many of them through my abstract language, Challey Giff, but that's a communal project, just as Quark was a word drawn from "Three quarks for Muster Mark” in Joyce's Finnegans Wake (1939), so too my language is drawn up so that others may find it's ultimate meaning. I create the form, you and the next generation create the meaning.  This makes my work intergenerational in every sense of the term.  Like Portuguese was designed by poets, so too, all languages are evolved by poets, I see my aims as wonderfully connected to the same prospect of building culture, and I see it that one's creativity does not stop at using words, but creating them as well, which I absolutely love to do.  Please search for Challey Giff the poem on my Cosmofunnel account, and you will see what I mean. 

To be great at something you must be obsessed not only with greatness, but with the possibility for improvement acted upon incrementally and constantly. Language makes us all greater than we were, could you imagine a world without language?  Without a doubt it would be far more barbaric! With this prospect in mind, it makes you wonder why people have used their talents to stockpile weapons.  Surely profits are not more important than living life in balance and harmony with Nature? The function of poetry is to correct Human nature, and connect human natures, to humane prospects. Poetry is a humanism, an intentional act. Poetry is the language of chance too, and circumstance, Poetry is the bridge between utterance and community. Poetry is essentially this and many things, but above all a POET is a servant to the public possibility for diverse visions of the good.  It is in my opinion, not possible that a person could be a poet and a fascist, that would simply be a person clever with utterance and persuasion, a poet seeks to highlight the truth, mystery, strategy, and necessity of progression's velvet allure, so to speak.

A poet is a person who brings together and personifies Nature with Culture. An individual, she is someone who sees herself in possibilities drawn from the correction of society off course, and staying the course of development, she evolves the whole potential of groups and their identity. The poet is the recipient of the possibility for understanding made to transition the situation in which no understanding is possible, as such the poet is the antidote to war, whether it be through irony or even through the celebration of tactical victories, the poet celebrates the decisive potential of one's ability to transcend limitation, in the establishment of versions and variations of social order.  In virtue of all of this a poet can be a receiver of forms of chaos, transmitting the transitioning of chaos, into the formation of order that indeed possibly even changes how we perceive chaos as an opportunity for growth. 

The Poets bring as such a synchretism to the polarity of simple goods and evils seeing the good in all things, and understanding the transitory character even of the good in all things...as things flow from one extreme to their opposite.  This process in my estimation however teaches the poet how to be instructive, as they transcend limitations and adopt balances.  In this light, the poet is the catalyst of much great change.  What an esteemed thing it is to be a poet! Poets are the visionaries of unspeakable progress, made utterance, the impossible made possible, the initiators of great understandings and the torchbearers of great novelty and innovation of purpose. Poets unify, they break apart, the codify revolutions in thought, they speak to the softest pulse faint with life, and to the pulse which cascades in the veins of great women and men, who populate the imagination with the envelopopulate! (meaning the apex of human expression).

Poets are the living dreamers of dying worlds, who see through to ways of seeing into the living pulse of the collective will corrected by innate necessity. Poets achieve this while negotiating for the necessity under which some variations of the collective will remain ignorant. As such poets are great in determining the most salient aspects of things, events, and circumstances, in connection to the elements of the essential expressions which the poet rightfully identifies as core to the underlying structure of what is examined.  Poets in other words see through to the connection between things as they examine the underlying nature of things.

The poet is a master not necessarily of observation alone but of the level of determinancy that it takes to draw connection between disparate elements, and as such the poet draws on consciousness with ideas as both palate and brush, as purpose is analogously the overall composition of ones aimful achievement, with ideology achieved by the connection between the poem which is a discourse between generations, and the extemporaneous continuities between sense, experience, culture and nature, in the context of evolving the philosophies that draw unity between ways of seeing, and ways of expressing aspects of something either present in convention, or prescient to approaches that somehow change perspective and yield new insights to potential options.

It's not necessary that a poet uses language, a dancer could be poetic, even an accountant can essentially be a poet in their utterance and approach.  It's HOW expression is used that makes one a poet.  Just as there is an art to anything, so too there is a poetry to everything, the dancing of the spheres is the poetry of physics, it's all dependent on how you want to see things, that is where poetry presides.

The highest skill of any poet, in my humble opinion, is to convince others that they too no matter how limited in their expression, posses poetic potential to express themselves with great success, in transcending the ineffable in making the hidden or unspoken overt and expressive of a potential understanding of deep merit and value.  Such poets show others how it is that those others can evoke harmony or even meaningful discordance in their method, drawing on new expressions and new ways of speaking, acting, showcasing agency and virtue, to culminate the mundane aspects of an expression, as something more than just something bound to the trivial elements of the world of facts alone, their is in their work an appeal to the collective consciousness that develops and progresses individual and consensus conscience, away from the esoteric and purely internal, making the hidden overt.  As such, the world of drawing on the poetic charm of community expressions draws us from a certain presence of "myth" through the creative pulse of the imagination, away from science alone, through a level of science conducted indeed together.  The artist and the audience are one. This aforementioned process makes for us a place in the observing of connections between expressions and essences. IN virtue of this a person is a connection between their own expression and essential potential in ways that elevate one from the commonplace. Poetry evolves perception and agency as such.

Poetry and poets create a new space for which context can emerge and transform perception through a cognitive proprioception, whose character, forms inclusion of other voices.  Through the greater expression of connection between tradition and convention, through novel and innovative development of new and old methods alike, the poet pursues their each own unique purpose and vision.

Poets and poetry are immersed in a humanism, a way of connecting sense and consequence, optimally.  That is something that poets should examine, as they draw on the psychology of persuasion, and the charactericity of possibilities implicit to their each own method and approach. 

Image, poem and writing © Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos AKA Rockwell Wilder 2016

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Bryan Delorme

A little constructive criticism ... it dragged on to much to the point where I got bored... still good tho... I wrote an epic a long time ago... multiple pages that dragged on and on... kept me interested for no longer than a couple pages... I disposed of so much poetry... lost so much lyrics and even lost the first chapter of a book I started... even a first chapter of a philosophical book I wrote... lost everything... I guess for a reason because I gained more from my losses than I would of initially had if I would of done something with the original work... everything happens for a reason... 

Bryan Delorme

Rockwell Wilder

Thanks so much Bryan Delorme!  I wish you much success in the processing and formation of your future creative projects indeed!  Personally, I don't normally write Epic poetry at all, but I appreciate it...I just want to be clear the prose that follows the poem is technically not part of the poem.  I also want to point out that there's a definite tedium to the work I create, it's means to test diction's limits to some extent, creating new contexts and my goal is to create a new paradigm for language to make the invisible elements of analogy, disanlogy, allegory, and aspect, twine about the prospect of mysteriously drawing connections from the free act of association...as such it's meant to LOSE the audience to some extent, so they can find their own meanings in the poem. 

I don't normally necessarily lead people to a conclusion or even a set of conclusions, but I discover along with the audience a journey where assumptions and conventions are laid bare and where certain relations are drawn into harmony together.  PULSE is one of the only art forms where the artist is synonymous with the audience...what I discover is identical with what the audience is exposed to, the work preserves immediace in ways that generate speculation not on linear meaning, but on the application of utterance to functions, that think outside of the box.  Pulse poetry works by pointing out the need we have to make language the keystone of societal procedural paradigms that shape and ongoingly recreate the instinct we have for order.  I expect people to draw on aspects potentially creating stories out of the images, or ideas or elements they glean from the expression of what appears for all intents and purpose to just be random language.  Sometimes I draw the verbage from the radio or a program or a youtube episode, and I spontaneously challenge myself to create a possible narrative out of aspects of a continuity so it's enormously fun as projects go- it's perhaps the most non-linear art ever created on par indeed with abstract action painting and Jazz. 

I need to hit the dictionary more, I want to be studied in high schools and Universities within my life time, as an exercise to develop diction, this is part of the purpose of Pulse poetry which is the name of the type of poetry I am creating. This is a poetry of the new Millennium, a testament to the transformation in consciousness due in an information sift-stream of consciousness culture paradigm.  PULSE capturews dissociation implicit to a species who creates conflict rather than overcomes it, because of profit, PULSE is a social and political commentary on entrenched breakdowns in reason and logic. PULSE poetry is modern day Koan, a puzzle on the limits of conventions by using conventions to point to the lava like new territory that requires some distance and time to be "processed by the idioms and iconoclasms of the era" in order to be drawn up into new memetic patterns through a study of what I call the Zeme, and Zene, the DNA of chance and it's internalization, in ways that cross codify a sense of normalcy from what is otherwise cultural form as an expression of data and information exchange.  

Pulse's purpose is to inspire others to look at the materiality of language as a craft important to the salience of our each own distinct philosophical enterprises.  Pulse points out plurality, and multiplicity, it's specificity is the general oeuvre of language, as a cultural form that is positioned in the transformative potential of sounds, just sounds to replicate as ideas and emotions, it's a synaesthetic transubstantiation of energy, a machine, a pulse of the sheerly mechanical achievements of the body, designed to transmutate ideas as well not just replicate things...to modify the notion of what William S Burroughs said 'Language is a SOCIAL Virus', it changes our social fact, our reality, our science, our methods of observing, our attitudes, perceptions and beliefs. The medium is the message that changes the medium too. Pulse requires that we develop fluency with ideas in order to master the potential of a given set of ideologies in ways that potentially even nullify ideological frameworks.  What this results in on one level is the forming of expression potentially implicit to a set of approaches that inhere in the craft of the poetic form, as PURE expression- the vernacular of the extemporaneous, the finger print of the trans-indicative formal syntax.

Just a question Bryan or anyone, can we create or locate the importance of a poetry without bias or form whatsoever, just words, that speak to the act of a preintentional state that is an animalistic delight in the prospect of utterance? Can this state defy the mindless by linking the unconscious to the impulses and drives and suggest civil evolution in the formation of the interconscious, at the cusp of a collective unconsciousness that spans functional dimensions of it's multifarious complexity, by taking on oracular potential, in ways that entertain the possibility of time based interdimensional formal connection between narrative elements and mood, suggesting to a whole generation the thinnest thread of a continuity AS valuable?  In the age of the transhuman how can such an instinct be the height of the essential or is it not necessary that the previous generations have an influence on the form and function of successors to our species? Is there any value in just the act of enunciating interconsciously in ways that divine the purview of our multiplistic ways of seeing something, can we without knowing what we mean, necessarily offer future generations a blueprint to know with more lucid connection to Nature what is essential for the preservation of our way of being and living within Nature with harmony to both Nature and Culture in the face of great and enormous change?

Is there no benefit in simply connecting meaning to soundscapes and sound sculptures free of ideology or is that even possible? Can we ever escape context, and ideological frameworks once exposed, or are we doomed to indoctrinations grasp on our minds? FOR myself pulse like a heart beat, is an analogy of core elements making the agency and activity of the penumbra of an essential process, resonate with a consistency that gravitates from the formless becoming form, to educate, enlighten, and entertain us into appreciating the connection between consistencies that generate for us normativity itself.  IN BEING AWARE of what customs, conventions, expectations, and demands on the organization of types and functions for information, we create a ritual space about which the cultural form can emerge. 

We know that the stats for a basketball game are very different from the weather report, from a novel, and from auditory information about the world around us but it's all information...this information is the analog of the machine, drawing mere information up into use and function.  One major part of this is connection to creating new ways of seeing and modifying salience....in an atmosphere where a word's being is just pure enjoyment and use, evolving INTO collective association as the case with the "poetry of" CHALLEY GIFF.  In knowing and following along the sports page we make our enjoyment of the game robust, in knowing the weather we are prepared for potential adversity and know what to expect, in knowing how to decode the character development and situations of a novel we can anticipate and think about the normal ways we perceive and the effect and influence of cues of suggestion natural to the cultural form conveyed in the novel we are studying...in learning to listen critically, we have by doing these things all critically, an example of having our finger on the pulse of the collective imagination.  That is what pulse should ultimately create as it evolves into new forms.  PULSE was developed simultaneously with FRICTION writing (a form of method acting merged with writing) and would not be possible without role playing complexity and thinking outside of one's conventional ways of thinking.  SO much is made possible through the emergence of both of these arts and I consider PULSE and FRICTION to be the newest art forms created out of the "impulsification" let's call it to know and challenge the limits of language and cultural appropiration within the milieu of achieved convention alone.

Pulse poetry is a completely new sub genre of the Poetic tradition, it's completely new, and while it has it's roots in music, abstraction, and the posited juxtaposition of words and ideas, it's just as much about sounds, and the phoneme as it is about potential ways to apply and codify novelty into categories with both functional and aesthetic applications working to systematize ways of seeing, as it inculcates and conditions new ways of seeing.

Poem -


this explains my intel work.https://www.scribd.com/document/...

Ode to what?

What why?
Whut whut?
Enough of that
Dupel is dead,
Gary as...

Poem -

Ever true


Ode to USA

I will always love the freedom

Of the United States of America.


Poem -


Deontology of epistemic uncertain quip of key operation,
theocratic upstitch,
Cracked stage...

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Sometimes you have to Quit in order to Begin.

Sometimes you have to Fail in order to

Poem -

On Ignore

On Ignore

The things you find
during the decluttering process

Snippets frozen in time.


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