Woman’s Best Friend , Inspired by Manon P’s Poem “Dogs A Must. An Integral Part of Life”

An old adage says, “A Man’s Best Friend Is His Dog”;
But it forgets to mention women in this analogue!
For just like a male, there is nothing quite as great;
As a lady’s cherished doggie, her forever dear Soulmate!
Just as our sweet Manon said, a human will oft times try;
But fail in their endeavor, in stopping her to cry!
Yet let her doggie come over then, and lick off all her tears;
And her face will then be happy, allayed of all its’ fears!
They love you forever unconditionally, you are perfection in their hearts;
Their goal in life is to make you smile, and their love to e’er impart!
So three cheers for Cora, Zora and Bayta, your trio of furry friends;
Sometimes God grants His subjects gifts, and to us them he sends!
For me it was Nico and Little Cody, with my Lady Linda the true loves of my soul;
But sadly now we are just a triumvirate, for our Nico the dirges took their toll!
My dear Manon, these words are yours, thank you for inspiration to them write;
This ode to a woman and her three little mates, whose barks are much worse than their bites!
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Thank you so much Greg. Glad you loved it.
Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
This poem is spectacular. I am pinning it as I feel so humbled and honored that you have written this.
I am thankful that I inspired you to write this.
Thank you again *hugs*
My Dear Manon,
This Manon is also spectacular. I too am "humbled and honored" by your beautiful comment. Thank you for your unbelievably heartfelt poem, that I found so inspirational.
Hugs, Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
Right back at you my friend
This is a lovely piece my Larry and as I type my two boys are next to me snoring and happy because they are in my office with me and keeping me company, I would be lost without them. Well done sweetie.
I love you and kisses for my Cody
G xx
My Dear G,
As I would be lost without you sending me your dear words so filled with love.
All our love, and kisses back from Cody,
Cody, Linda and Larry xxx
I`ve just received Cody`s kisses from Ellwood-George and slurps from Nero too, so say thank you to Cody for me and give him another cuddle because I want to spoil him with love too, his auntie G adores him. When I ask Nero if he loves me he always gives me a little bark and a kiss, does Cody do that too? They all have their own little ways specific to them, for letting us know that they love us don`t they! I love my boys cute little habits because they always cheer me up and they always instantly sense when I`m feeling sad too, even though I don`t say anything, so they are communicating telepathically which I think is amazing, they truly are Gods` angels and a true gift from heaven.
I love my Larry and Linda too.
G xx
My Dear G,
The beautiful words you write about how we communicate with our beloved soulmate doggies, can only be experienced by that rare breed that you, Linda, and I are. "Dog Whisperers". We are people whose souls are connected with them, and there exists an Extra Sensory Perception between us. It is an amazing gift for those of us that have been blessed with it. So from two "Dog Whisperers" to our dear soulmate "Dog Whisperer" Georgina, we love, love, love you!!!
All our love,
Cody, Linda and Larry xxx
This is beautiful Sweet Daddio...Your write makes me want to have a dog too...
Love you
My Dear Sweet Rose,
You will never feel more love than that of a doggie soulmate. It is unconditional, and totally devoted to you. Arf Arf, Bark Bark, Woof Woof (Doggie speak for I love you).
All my love,
Daddio xxx