There are many things we're not taught in School...
ββββββThere's many things we are taught by life itself...
There's people who will tell you, you dream too big...
ββββββBad things happen to make us grow...
It's okay to fail because, we learn from our mistakes...
Words are very powerful...
If you want to know how to get the best out of your life don't follow other people who really don't have the answers but, follow the one percent that do...
Your friends you keep tells a lot about yourself...
Life isn't easy but, it doesn't have to be that hard...
There's many things we're not taught in School but, there's much we can learn...
βββββStudy smarter not harder...
You can speak life just as easy as you can speak defeat...
The great thing that only you can give yourself is the good gift you know...
Whether it be compassion, heart, time, the ability to care, the ability to share...
The list doesn't stop there...
Everyone can add to it...
By knowing the gifts you have you learn outside the box...
Outside the box, you can do Great things if you want to...
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Hello Barry...
You made a great point...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Hello Sis Cherie...
Pep talk?
Motivational messages are great messages to share with the younger generation...
They need to have hopes and good goals for their future...
They're amazing!
If I were in there shoes receiving the same messages that's out there I wouldn't feel that I would have to much to offer the World...
It's easy to get sucked into all the negativity and all the wrong messages, they have enough negativity that is filling their heads...
All the wrong doings that people take so lightly as if there's no consequences...
You have stated many times Tony is your inspiration for your Book and Congratulations again...
Not everyone has a Tony and not everyone needs to makes self destruction choices and fall so low to where many are and the lack of will to stand again...
Telling young people that they can do amazing things isn't a pep talk and it's our responsibility to encourage them in the right direction and to let each one of them know they are all an individual and I want them to show many of us who doesn't get it, just how much they don't get it...
Because, I have more faith in them than in my peers any day of the week...Β
Because, we're a messy and sloppy generation and that's not something that we should be proud of...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
P.S. Yet, we're committing suicide at an outrageous number as if we're saying just give up before you tried everything...
That's what life is worth?
People have kids out their and I hope people are getting over burying them...
Hugs again...
great inspiration
Hello Greg...
Glad youΒ enjoyed!
Thank you for your kind comment and support!