Your Acerbic Wit

Your acerbic wit makes others feel shit
Often profound but not funny
And right on the money
It cuts like a knife and causes strife
But you're oblivious to this
When you're taking the piss
Your words, they hurt
Waspish and curt
But well thought out
To give maximum clout
You're like a poisonous snake
A small scale earthquake
The words that you utter
Make your victims stutter
I don't condone the way that you talk
The way you cut your prey down like a drug addled hawk
But i admire your disambiguation
The way your bile train stops at the station
A social dysfunction
Pausing only at junctions
Facilitating human interactions
Creating reactions for your own satisfaction
A human time bomb
Wit delivered with aplomb
I admire you and your sense of no regret
Your brain is your biggest asset
People often say 'i wish i'd said that'
Le espirit de escalier at the drop of a hat
If only we all had your mind
In comparison our brains are resigned
To the mundanity of life-unstreamlined
Regardless of this you have a soft side
A part of you i love but you hide
You are kind and funny
You don't care about money
You're clever yet uncomplicated
You should be celebrated
I adore you my sweet
You make me complete.
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