Your life, no one else can live it for you
People submit to religion and church
Hopeful that by doing so they won't get hurt
Surrendering all choices and decision away
But that's what why we were made
To surrender so as to be absolved
Of all mistakes and bad things that happen along the way
We were given this life to live
To express ourselves and be creative
To understand we are responsible for everything in our lives
That we can't just delegate decisions and our choices
To those who are keen to take them so as to control you
You've only one life and its all up to you
Only you know what it is you want to do
Only you can make the decisions that you have to choose
It's your path nobody elses
Nobody else can walk it for you
So take responsibility don't try to give it away
Stand strong in the face of life and don't allow yourself to be swayed.
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