You're A Hypocrite, Bernie Sanders
I was your supporter and now you tell me to support Hillary Clinton, you're out of your cotton picking mind.
Several weeks ago you said that she's unfit to be President, you're a hypocrite of the most fundamental kind.
How dare you tell me and your other supporters to support Hillary after you said that she's unfit.
If you were standing in front of me, I would give you a piece of my mind because you're a piece of ****.
I was already upset at you but now I'm enraged because you told me to support her.
You have a lot of nerve to tell me to support that woman, you're a hypocrite and that is for sure.
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Yo Randy,
Cut this poor guy some slack! He had no choice but to throw his support to Hillary, because he realizes that a vote for her, is one less than that "maniacal monster, Trump" will get. Bernie fought hard and they both said some things that they have since rescinded. I guarantee you Hillary will have him very close to her side during her Presidency. Wake up and smell the roses. Disaster is looming. Do not be a piece of xxxx yourself. Help save us from this disastrous demagogue.
Peace and Love,
xox Larry