2 sides to a coin

My friend was fatally stabbed on a bus.
Like 0 Pin it 0i sip liquor.
As the clouds get thicker.
people are bitter, they've already painted a picture
of me, before i even meet them...
so i don't dare to greet them,
i don't want to, i cant even, i cant please them.
And so i tease them.
I tell them if they haven't got their pass then they cannot board the bus this evening,
that doesn't sound appealing their begging and some are pleading,
trying to target my feelings... I've seen it before.
And i mean what i said just as much as before
your breaking the law
your times up now head for the door.
I was sipping coffee.
When these boys in a jalopy
pulled in front of my bus and they started acting cocky.
i was acting sloppy.
They ran up to the doors and i opened them,
the boys on the bus tried to stop me,
i didn't clock he,
had a weapon concealed
but then he revealed
the weapon and he went for the kill
i panic and still,
have flash backs of the jet back dressed chav
stabbing a kid in he's chest and
A child needed nursing.
There and then the situation needed reversing.
There was a lesson to learn and damn right i learned it.
In the hardest way
emotional is the hardest pain
my heart still aches
its beating at a maximum rate
to God i pray
but he doesn't want to hear my case.
To God we pray,
hoping he can save our day...
ah well... Thats what they say.
As they're putting the bible underneath a shotgun case,
as they're putting qurans beside a terrorist tape,
as the masons mingle inside the old lodges they made..
And as the earth and the moon rotate,
the people sitting down slowly start to stand up straight
and yes they may
conspire if they may,
form may to may,
time rubs our minutes away,
from minutes to days with not even an hour to save.
my black hairs are turning grey
So i add to the will that iv'e written everyday just to start the day.Imagine being that frey yet having all of the power to use in the wrong way,
those jalopy boys represent the modern day dangers that bus drivers let in our way.
And now im wishing there was a way
that i could meet up with my dead friend Kay just for one day,
and maybe he could explain.
Maybe he saw it in a whole different way...
Terrible experience, no words can take away that kind of pain. Life can be unfair sometimes. Hope as time goes on, you will have another poem that expresses the strength you have gained from going through that pain and your friend will be proud. If true story, I am sending out a prayer for you and all who loved your friend even if you are angry at God, He can still heal your heart. He did mine in the past. Sorry for your loss.
Thank you Shirley i appreciate your comment, it means alot.