a heros death (a dark Knight tale)

This city I once knew is now foreign to me Every night it's the same in the snow or the rain they say if you keep living this life to long it can mess with your brain but its to late for that when I was young I saw my mom and dad murdered in cold blood I could not help them then but things change now I'm all this city has it's only recently that I have begun to have doubts no matter how hard I try no matter how many I put away it never ends I'm starting to think it's a unwinnable war
I thought it could not get any worse and now my partner is hospitalized one of the only friends I have in this dark cruel world we never should have split up maybe if I reconned it better no I have enough to worry about with that sadistic accuse for a clown loss I can't beat myself up
The dark Knight stood up as a voice spoke into his ear it was the police scanner in his cowl
(all units be advised we have a robbery in progress at Gotham art institute)
Got you the bat says pulling out his grappling hook
Just hang in there I won't loss you to he said as he swung down to the street below
2. Oh look at this one "wislers mother" well if my mother looked like that I wouldn't paint her let's put a smile on her face the joker said taking out his paint brush smiling maliciously
Wow Mr J that's really good said the jokers newest lackey who he had come to call twiddle dum oh yes I thank so to replied joker wait I told you to guard the front door
Oh well I was then I saw a shadow land on the roof dum said looking down at his feet
The joker sighed rubbing his temple's as a voice spoke from the shadows behind him
It's hard to find good help these days
Tell me about it the joker replied and chuckled but you would know about that he turned around smiling as the bat stepped from the shadows tell me bats how is bird boy the joker laughed psychoticley bird boy got his bird brain bashed the joker continued to laugh as a right hook connected with his jaw sending him to the floor
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