All Things are Possible

Have you ever faced impossible situations? And have experienced the need for deliverance? but you are convinced that you cannot help yourself? There can rise impossible situations in our lives, some of them are the financial crisis that you cannot avoid, others verge on illness and broken relationships, rendering you almost completely helpless. What appears to be the darkest hour can be a time of spiritual illumination where miracles happened.
Only God can provide deliverance. He gives light in the darkest situation when you cannot help yourself and no friend or family member can deliver you, when you are the fence in, and you can see no hope. God provides a lifeline. God works through impossibilities, and grants deliverance. But the way to access his mercy and grace follows the path of faith, through simple prayer and belief, we are promised that He will hear and open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing. But we must do something about ourselves first.
 In times of difficulties, seek Gods face. And a light will shine in the darkest affliction of your troubled soul. He will turn things around, make you stand on the mountain instead of in the valleys of depression. Nothing has gone too far that God cannot help with.
You will never see the increase if you keep on focusing on the negatives, put God first in your life, and you will see positive changes when you speak life into your circumstances. Stop looking with your eyes and believe with your heart. Humanly speaking, with mankind most things are impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26
One word of God can turn a situation from a graveyard to a resurrection, the resurrection is not only an event, it’s a person, Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life. John 11:25
 If things are not going the way you want them to go, there are reasons why your blessing tap is turn off, look at yourself first before pointing fingers at others. Take the dust from your eyes first, before considering other people’s lives. Depend upon God to do the rescuing, faith can move mountains.
 Miracles accrue in moments which seem impossible, God will use your struggles and pain to make you stronger. All things are possible to them that believe. Often, we face challenges and put despair instead of hope before the situation, there is no problem too great that God cannot solve, but we must first acknowledge the need for the Lord to show up.
Matthew 15:22
And behold, a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Him, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon possessed.”
The bible teaches, that we should acknowledge our faults and failures, God doesn’t give us a way to avoid the hurt, but he does provide a way of escape, and grants renewal strength, so that we can justly say.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Declaring the end from the beginning, is anything too difficult for the Lord? At the appointed time his will be accomplished. Seek and you shall find, knock, and the door will be open, ask in the proper manner and it shall be given you. I believe in a God that specializes in the impossible things. Although your beginning is small and timid, your latter end will abundantly increase. God is not finished with you yet, but when he gets through, you shall come forth shining as pure Gold.
You do not have to be a broken and be defeated individual, there is a purpose for you in life, rise out of your ashes, and give God thanks and praise for your health, your life and breathe, his death on the cross, and his unmerited mercy. do something now while his Spirit is striving, and God will make greater provision for you. Stay in faith and see God’s victorious outcome.
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