Story -



In a faraway land not so long ago there lived a little princess by the name of Anabelle. Anabelle lived in her beautiful palace with the queen and king her were her parents.

In her beautiful palace their also lived two monkeys, five horses one mouse and seven geese.

Not only were there animals that lived in her palace, she had servants and maids whom she ordered about.

Although…Anabelle had not always been a bossy little princess it’s just lately she’s become mean and nasty and thinks only of herself.

She sulks around her palace day after day, winging and whining and stomping away. And what could she have to be so angry about? After all, she owned everything including the mouse.

So I ask you again what it could have been that made Anabelle turn so mean. Could it have been that she was an only child? No, it was not that which made her wild.

Oddly enough it involved the queen’s tummy, a new baby sister would soon be coming. Anabelle was jealous and green with envy, she did not want a new sister and it made her angry.

She began to shout and yell and scream, and managed to throw the most outrageous tantrum I’ve ever seen.

She kicked and hit and banged the walls, she ran up and down slamming doors. And just when the king had thought it was over, Anabelle spelled out another disaster.

She ran to the kitchen, opened the fridge door, and then proceeded to throw food all over the floor.

No one could stop her everyone tried, but when Anabelle threw a tantrum the whole room stepped aside.

The king was astonished the queen in a daze just stood there in shock at the mess she had made.

All of her feelings came bubbling to the surface, in such a way it left her breathless.

“Time to rest,” said the queen and the king. “There is a better way to handle things. It breaks our hearts to see you so sad, acting out and feeling mad.”

“Darling you always must remember you have a voice, and the way you behave is your own choice.

Words are powerful they are real, it’s your choice if they cut or heal.”

“Our Anabelle” the queen did say, “its okay to feel emotional some days. Emotions are something we all have, it’s when there not said that things go bad.

It’s important you tell us what you’re feeling inside, we love you a lot our precious child.”

Now Anabelle calm and refreshed explained her feelings as she could best, “I don’t want to share with my new sister I was here first and that should matter.

Everything will change when the baby does come. I don’t like the idea of sharing my mum.”

Now the king stepped in with something to say, “Yes things will change but in a good way.” Change is exciting and always brings growth, choose not to resist it, but rather go with the flow.”

It’s important Anabelle to use your words. Temper tantrums will never do, for how you act is up to you.”

Anabelle sat still on her bed thinking of all that had been said, “So how I act is up to me,” Anabelle said so quietly.

Then I will try to make things better I will clean I will do whatever. I’m truly sorry for what I have done, I was just not ready to share my mum.

But I now understand how important it is, to talk out loud about all my feelings.”

“Our dear Anabelle” the queen did say, “We will always be here for you and that will never change.”

So time went by as time does and before too long, Anabelle had her own sister to love.

And all those feelings that she once had, the ones that scared her and made her feel mad.

Seem to just vanish at first glance, now all she felt was pure happiness.

Seems Anabelle understood, even more then she thought she could.

That feelings are changeable and should be expressed, for as quick as anger comes it can be replaced with happiness.

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