Apoculiptic love (30 min free write day one)

- Introduction.
I watched as the moonlit night caused an fluorescent glow to rickashay off the lake causing an illuminating light to gleam off of my glasses. I slowly reached up using my index finger to lift my glasses to better sit upon my face. I peered over to glance at what i could only imagine an angel would look like. God i loved how her eyes sparked. I sometimes get lost in thought and fall into a trance while gazing into them. Then there's how her hair would slightly flow with the wind showing her most beautiful smile. I could only imagine how such a freak as myself turned out dating someone as herself. For me this was a dream come true. I slowly slided my right hand over to hers until i felt the soft touch of her hand grip onto mine. She slowly looked over to me and smiled. I almost faint when i hear her voice to whom must of been thousands of angels in harmony singing the song of the gods. βI'm glad i get to hangout with you tonight babe i've missed you a lot.β
Hearing her say that made me glad. Just think someone out there missed me. Well for me this was the first. βMy sweet angel i've missed you more than i could ever explain. Babe. look up at the sky. For every star i could name off a reason why i love you. Even then i bet i'd find a way to run out of stars.β
She turned red just a little and then looked more serious.
βDo you think there is more to life than.. Well you know.. This.β
She asked why looking down. She slowly twirled a blade of grass between her fingers.
Her question at first startled me but then again there were times when i too asked this very question.
βI like to think of life as an game. Not just any game but an rage quit game. Sometimes there are puzzles in the missed. Β But you just keep on playing until you fall. Then you get up and start over. And there is no winning just reaching a new high score. Of course. For right now. I myself want there to be more to life. I've asked that many times in my past.β
I sat thinking about what i just said. I'll admit it all was sorta a tongue twister.
I began to focus my attention towards the forest and listened to the nice tune of the crickets and the birds.
βBabe do you think we will ever be young again?β
I was beginning to wonder why she was asking all of these questions but decided it was better to just roll with it.
βMy hypothesis is that you are as young as you act.β
She seemed pleased with that answer. Maybe because that meant she was 16 again.Β
I slowly began to feel a slight shiver down my spine. It was getting late and if i'm cold then i can only imagine how she must feel due to the fact she was wearing denim shorts and a tank top.
I slowly lift myself up and look down offering my hand to help her up.
She at first looked at me and smiled as she grabbed my hand and pulled me down causing me to tombel on top of her. I laughed as she reached behind my back and held me close. I looked into her eyes and smiled. I slowly glanced into her beautiful eyes. And slowly leaned in until i felt the warm soft sensation of her lips among mine. God i wish i could pause time and stay in the midst of right here forever. We slowly parted from each other and helped each other up.Β
βWell handsome ya comin, i ain't getting any younger here.β
βHahahaha god babe i love that about you. You always find a way to lighten the mood and semi reek havok.β
βI don't always reek havok.β
βRemember that time at the park and you shoved that guy in the lake because you said he was stealing all the fish?β
I knew she remembered I just wanted to tease her because I knew she hated it when I was right. Or at least make sense out of things.
βWell let's just get inside babe. Right now between the lake and the chill air I think this would be the perfect horror movie plot. And unless we wanna be face to face with the loch ness monster maybe we should go.β
βWow. Alright then let's get going. The faster we get to the care the faster we get home.β
Sometimes I just get curious on what goes on in her head.Β
Even after all that's seemed to happen she always finds the positive In things.
That is unless it involves rap. She isn't a big fan.Β
Journal entry 1. April 26,Β
I sat at udder silence as I gazed outside my window. The sound of the rain hitting the ground soothed me. I always loved the rain. It was like my calling. The one thing that could always calm my nerves. Every so often light would illuminate the sky. Creating a load crackling sound. It only made me a jump a little until I realized it was just the thunder and calmed back down.Β
I lived in this small town people called Abraham. It was a small town with a population of about a hundred or so. I liked it here. I'm not all that great in big areas. My anxiety acts up when I'm surrounded. But rather than that I loved to socialize and to make friends. And people here are extremely kind. There hasn't been much violence or crime here in awhile. It's a peaceful place. Don't get me wrong sounds boring but it has its advantages. For example. There's always low traffic.
I straightened my gaze towards the television that showed the same old news broadcast, with some man explaining the weather. All that I could get out of it was that more rain was coming this way. Sometimes I wonder if we even need a news channel if it only states the obvious.Β
At the moment my family was visiting with me for the holidays. They said they were going to the mall for some groceries about ten minutes ago. I knew it was going to be a good few moments due to the weather. So I decided I'd just rephrase who they were so you don't get lost in the midst of reading.
First off was Jackson also known as dad for my case. He was in his late sixties. But still had his nice short dark hair. And his forever old outfit in which he wore everyday. Witch by the way was overalls. To be honest he was quite nimble and strong for his age, And to add to that He was the kind of person that would make a joke that really never turned out funny. And then wouldn't stop. And got really annoying really fast.
Then there's Maggy or Mom. She was also in her sixties. Although her long curly hair has turned to a solid grey. She was a feisty lil lady. And there was no hiding any secrets from her. She had her long black cane or I like to call it her staph. Because she used it more as an weapon to hit people than anything else.
And she wore a blue track suit as if she was always running a marathon. Which was irony because she was quite slow to be honest. And usually was quite lazy.Β
And of course last but not least my little brother Fredrik we call him Gboy stands for game boy why? Well that's all he does. Everyday till time for bed. He would sit and play those games. He was in his teens years and has a few zits and whiteheads that kinda makes him look like a nerdy kid. Which he was so it worked for him.Β
And lastly that's right. Me. I'm 24 and currently am unemployed and tend to stick to myself. And I always wear black cloths. Not because I'm emo or goth. Just because I liked the way it made me look. I was slim but not built. Even if I do think I am. But why am I going to lie to myself if I got in a fight I was pretty sure I was going to lose. I have no experience in combat. That and I sit around the house all day drawing my pictures and writing my stories. I also wear small glasses. And have lots of bracelets and a few rings I got a long time ago to remind me of that time. Some people have photos albums.i have jewelry. Everyone is different.Β
Great now that you're all caught up let's continue on with the story.Β
To be continued.
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awesome pen just enough steam to keep the reader intrigued
Thanks lol I have to continue for 30min everyday for English class. So Ima try to get really into what I want for the story. And I decided to choose the apoculiptic theme with a twist. I think ur like what I have planned. Anyhow see u soon. Bells about to ring :D