Bungee jumping

Like 0 Pin it 0The day
Jump from a bridge
He had given his word earlier
It was absurd
First plying himself with alcohol
Then dusting himself with
And an ounce of cockiness
Drew $50 from the ATM
Bought some energy drinks
Went past the hardware
For a rope
Said goodbye to his cat
Gave her a cuddle
Walk towards the bridge
Took a few sniffs
Screamed this for you motherfuckers
Made a knot with the rope
And the metal bar
Listened to his music
Sticking out the words
You gonna do it someday
You gonna do it someday
You gonna do it someday
Put himself over the edge
Certain he was going over the ledge
When his mama come home
She picked up his phone
Rung him
Then realize she was holding his phone
And he was
At the bottom
Just been bungee jumping
Be home soon mama
I'm sure mama was glad he was only bungee jumping :) xo
Yup Tracey mamma sure was glad
to have her boy back:)
t h a n k s
f o r
c o m i n g
b y
J a i:)?