Death Taunts Us All

Back to my old habits. I'm afraid it'll be a while until I see the light again. The light is too far now. But no turning back, that is a rule: Try not to linger. Only death lingers. A tinkling laugh haunts me "I will have you. Eventually". It sends chills up my spine. There is no one here; just death, laughing at my futility.
I lurch foward into darkness, searching for another gas lamp. I don't bother to try the doors, not anymore. I know there is no easy out. I must see this through. I have to get to the end. End of the hallway. It seems a long way off from where I stand, supported by the wall. Memories resurface.
Dried blood. Dark wood. Deep green. Dusty hallways. No lights.
I see a flicker up ahead. Another gas lamp in this seemingly endless hallway. I keep walking, not another soul in sight. But then again, no one had been here for a while. Just death. Death always lingers.
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Good and very open story on fear of death. Thanks for sharing
Regards & Love
Nice twist on personifying Death. Love your work as always and am eagerly awaiting more (:
Thank you so much, I was trying something new with the broken/simple sentance structure ^-^
I liked your style Jessie, a curious and well written piece, this for me was a great line
Many of them in this; and a good end. Your tone is quite foreboding but almost whimsical, which I very much liked:) very very nice, I too look forward to reading more of your work. A vote from me:)
"Only death lingers" very true. Congrats on a well written piece, keep on writing I would love to read more ;)