"DIARY OF A POLICE OFFICER" (From Police Brutality to Changing This Reality)

(From Police Brutality To Changing This Reality)
Based On A True Story...introducing Poetical Story-Telling
Flashing brutal images of “police beating” RODNEY KING, here I am experiencing the
same thing / 2 COPS – WHITE COP, BLACK COP hitting me with his “nightstick”
pounding me non-stop until I drop face down / forcing me down to the ground, bashing
the back of my crown hearing a “group sound” of the crowd doing a collective “gasps” /
RODNEY KING flash, praying somebody’s taking the “task” of recording the VIDEO
TAPE / feeling helpless like it’s RAPE...
A black man’s soul they’re trying to break as
I’m building deep feelings of “hate”, like I’m ready to take their weapon and give them a
“Death Date” / Ahh, I’m in searing pain, seeing my blood dripping making pavement
stains getting my brain beatin’ by New York City Police Men / Mr. Officer Friendly, the
ones who’s suppose to keep the PEACE instead of being “THE BEAST” / Man, I’m so
tired of feeling like MARTIN “turning the other cheek”, I’m ready to reach for what
MALCOLM palmed in the picture / but it’s back to the same picture: POLICE
BRUTALITY, it’s a Black Man’s Reality / What Can I Do To Change This Reality?
Unknowingly to these 2 officers, it was just last Saturday when I took the police exam,
now look where I am – on the ground getting “BEAT DOWN” / Mentally pausing to
reflect in the court room about to speak next, clearing my throat so the jury can hear me /
Now, with my right hand in the air, I solemnly swear...
Your Honor, I was just walking home
alone when these officers saw me, heated words was exchange before the inevitable
came / I said, “Officer, I’m around-the-way-kid, what did I do?” / to make you want to
beat me “black and blue” / Maybe, it was my HIP-HOP style that fit the officer’s profile /
cause the next thing I knew, it felt like I was in a re-mixed scene from the “BOYZ N’
THE HOOD”, except I felt the wood of the stick getting hit / but the ironic thing is, this
was all initiated by the BLACK COP, who was the “bad cop” doing the beat down
knocking me to the ground putting his knee in my back / while the WHITE COP stood
back watching his partner do the “deed” / when I should’ve been walking home free /
Then after all of this, I was falsely arrested, I couldn’t let this go un-contested...
NOW, Who’s Available To Protest It? / Another “beat down” manifested, because in the police
department it seems like it’s accepted / 2 COPS – BLACK COP, WHITE COP, IT
Two years later, I’ll always remember that September “brutal episode” the way the
events unfold / This is a “true story” never told, for a long time my heart remained ice
cold / but I didn’t let those cops stop my dream, I kept my “eyes on the prize” / So,
imagine their “surprise” when I saw those 2 COPS – WHITE COP, BLACK COP, the
same cop who beat me non-stop...Â
Now, I’m a POLICE OFFICER with those same
“masked feelings” still contained, getting trained by these 2 OFFICERS / watching
them showing me things, but I’m determined not to do the same things they did on the
streets / Even though, I’m walking the beat, I’m the “Mark Of The Beast”, but I’m
dedicated to bringing THE PEACE...
I could’ve been dead from the bloodshed of
POLICE BRUTALITY / Now, my conscious reality is to prevent police brutality /
- LaRonz Murray
copyright 2020 laronz murray
Following now. Love this rap. Culturally eye opening. Kind regards. The Fish of the SeaÂ
Thanks for the kind words of appreciation. Wishing you the most artistic success in 2021!!