Dishonesty's Cure...

Life can make demands so much so, that truth is anyone's guess, and love everyone's wish. Today's women find themselves in the arms of other women more so then finding comfort in the arms of an honest man, for from the time a man says I do, the proof says he don't. And while life will test us all the fruits of the scare brings forth a destiny that can be both rich and rare.
Dinnae was brought up from the back streets of a thug-ed out hood, with tattoo' as proof and an attitude to cap it off. She took pleasure in fighting men, more so then with women, only because with a woman the fight was messy and emotional. She wore her body more so then her clothes, and by nightfall, her look and attitude was seasoned for what ever. She drew women much more easily then men, but men drank her essence thinking she couldn't feel them, however, the women were attracted to her strength and swag for she wore able like a cannon on a battle ship.
Kieth, who paid little attention to his surroundings, never even gazed up to look or smell Dinnae coming his way, and as she passed him, she wanted to feel the energy from this strange but buffed boy, who broke her stride by not even noticing her. Who knew that such strange moments in time, can birth a lifetime of change, in two directly opposed people as these two. Dinnae was inquisitive about this manly man and wanted to know his story, and like all capable women, she had his 411 before that days end. Turned out that Kieth was new to the area, and into his own business so much so, no one really knew what that was. For a woman like Dinnae, how could a man who stood out like a sore thumb be so anonymous, she had to know more.
Around the area where this whole thing of Kieth got started for Dinnae, she got into an argument with a female. Before she switch from fighting a man to fighting a woman, she dropped kicked the lady and almost wanted to say sorry, for she knew right away, it was her favorite move on a man. From instinct, she knew the emotions were on high alert. Her's because she just dropped kicked a woman, and even for her standards, it was a bit much. The lady she dropped kicked, was all but in tears, for she could not believe anyone would drop kick her, out in public or anywhere. Mascara had already begun clowning up, and scratch and claw, bite and scream put Dinnae into over drive. Without notice, body buff, gripped both of the women, and with an able all his own, his deep bass broke through their emotions like a butter knife would butter, left in the heat. Keith had broke up the fight, and without notice went back to his affair without words beyond the appeal to be cool.
This did not sit too well with Dinnae, for she felt punked, for what nerve of this man to lay hands on her and put her on ease like a Mother her child. Plus, he still did not take notice of her to the point she felt sexy tugged. Yet, she was able to break a smile, for in the scuffle with the sister, she kept her ear rings and came away with bra and panties, still stationed correctly. Keith however, had slipped out of sight, but his masculinity stayed around to aid in the clean up, for although men and women are thirsty for war in the streets, there are able men, who give a care still. For the first time, there was a man that Dinnae felt, she could live with if only life and chance would aid in that discovery.
In a grocery store standing in line, there was Kieth fumbling for more money to pay for items it seemed he had trouble paying for. Dinnae gave the clerk the money and looked at Kieth as if to say, I know how to help too. Smiling at Dinnae, and remembering her from size and shape, yup, even men without intentions, still can notice Dinnae, he said thank you and began to walk out the door. Coming to a complete stop, he waited for Dinnae and walked up to her and said, "you know you could have killed that woman, that was a drop kick", Dinnae with a blush, and with an emotional rattle simply said I'm so sorry, I normally don't fight girls like that. Keith gave a look as if to say, I feel you and also a nod as if to say, she fights men...mercy. That encounter, ended into a friendship, that blossomed into a love affair which landed them before an altar in a small church. And right there, in the sanctified halls in pure white, mac diva, said I do, to a man she felt capable of loving forever.
The couple shared a simple home together, and what Kieth did not know about the streets, he made up in love and affection. Dinnae was not a house wife, she tried to cook, but the pots knew a few nelsons themselves and boxed her terrible. Life made it's way around this and that, and love covers a multitude of faults. However the streets once inside, can be a boogabear on the nature, and notwithstanding the who, they will have a pull be you male or female. Girlfriends came around to see Dinnae, and for a time all was good, but the compromise came in the form of it being girls and not men, so no ready flag went off. Neither Keith nor Dinnae acknowledged the charisma of her draw in women. Just because she was married, didn't mean she was safe, as in most cases, she had now, even a greater pull. Emotionally motivated, can be a most aggressive attack on a marriage, many men have fallen to this sort of attack especially if the woman is hell bent on being satisfied. Before long, Dinnae found herself servicing both her husband and a few women. She told herself it was women and not men so the problem couldn't be all that bad. The thing about dishonesty, is that it cuts both ways, for what you allow, you also fear. Dinnae allowed herself to become caught in an affair with other women and it wasn't long before she began to insinuate Kieth had extra dealings.
One thing led to another and as life would have it, Dinnae and her pack of emotional leaches were in the wrong place at the wrong time. No one really knew what Kieth did except Dinnae knew he was good with his hands, both in and out the bedroom. Kieth had been hired to work on the home of one of the women that found Dinnae's loving a pick me up from her husband who was financially able but short on his potions for orgasms. And since an orgasm for a woman is first mental before physical, Dinnae was a champion of the cause. Not expecting anyone there at the house, for the man of the house told Kieth his wife was suppose to be there doing that, he did not expect to hear this or that, and by the sounds of things the voice had a distinction of Dinnae. Not wanting to believe, his ears, Kieth came up and to his surprise, there was his wife butt naked, and servicing high yellas. When Dinnae noticed her husband looking at her body as if she was the only woman in the room, his respect for her in spite her respect for herself, shot shock waves through her body like a voltage meter the heart when it stops. The wife of the husband Kieth was sent to work for looked like she had seen a ghost. In a single moment, what was suppose to be a secrete, became old news fast, as hearts tried to adjust to what is from what was against what can never be again.
Kieth was too much of a man, to take what he witness out on the road, nor did he feel it necessary to tear up a man's home if his wife felt it necessary to keep things from him. Coming out the shower, after being away long enough to clear his head, Keith heard subbing coming from the closet. He opened the door, only to see Dinnae, lost in tears and fears. Those big arms that pulled her from fighting the first time, those arms that held her so many times after, now lifted her with ease. And in sweet bass, he reminded her what the purpose of love was for, and why forgiving her would be his privilege. Her tears only fell all the more as she almost lost consciousness, but she was in the arms of an able man, and with his arms he lifted her to the bed, and with soft embraces, he showed her by reminding her, just why God made her a woman.
Dishonesty has but one cure, and it's not truth, it's love...nj