Doing It with You

Cellie woke up to a loud tap. She blinked several times to shake off her languor as the rapping repeated. She threw off her bedsheets and spun her body around so her feet could hit the floor. She leaned forward and took a peek at the window. She learned that a small object from outside was making the rapping noise. She stood up and unlocked the sill of her window, then pushed it up. She stuck her head out and looked down at her eighteen-year-old friend, Isaac.
"Hey," he shouted.
"Hi," Cellie greeted back.
"Were you sleeping?"
Cellie wiped her eyes. "Yeah, of course. Why are you here?"
Isaac stuck his wool covered hands in his jeans' pockets. "Do you wanna go on a date?"
Cellie smiled. "Okay."
Isaac smiled back. "Like right now."
"Right now?" She glanced at the alarm clock on her dresser. "It's like two in the morning."
"Hey, it's now or never."
Cellie smiled again. "Alright."
Isaac chuckled as Cellie put her body back in the room. She had always waited for her best friend to make a move. She'd always thought that he was "too nice" of a friend. But he never tried anything funny.
Cellie took off her sweatpants and thought up an outfit. She searched for the clothes from the drawers of her dresser. She dressed herself in a black hoodie, skinny jeans, Converse sneakers and a green beanie, almost similar to what Isaac had on.
She swung her leg outside of the window to sit on the sill. She stuck her foot in the hole of the floral wooden fence that was situated next to her window against the house. Holding onto the ledge, Cellie swung her other foot out and stuck it in a hole below. Gingerly and individually, she threw out her hands and grabbed onto the fence. She slowly climbed down the fence like a ladder.
Isaac walked over to the fence and looked up at Cellie like a hitchhiker. Once she was two feet above the ground, Cellie jumped off, with Isaac catching her. He held her up and growled adorably. He rocked her back and forth a few times before putting her down and picking up his skateboard.
Cellie playfully hit Isaac on his chest. "Where are we going?" she asked through a giggle.
Isaac put his arm over Cellie's shoulders and walked with her. "We are going on an adventure."
For more than an hour, the two took a stroll through the subdued lighted town. They noticed that not too many cars were passing by nor any people on the sidewalks. It seemed like they were the only people on Earth. The only thing alive about the streets were the lights and the wind. Isaac brought Cellie to an area far from the road. They stopped in front of a fence that had a sign reading, "Do Not Trespass". Behind the fence was a clearing, the two could see through the darkness.
"Like fireworks?" asked Isaac, taking out a couple of wrapped firecrackers out of his jeans' pocket.
"Love them," replied Cellie.
"Then let's fire them off over there."
"But we can't trespass."
"Oh, my dear Cecilia, if the government tells you to jump, would you ask how high?"
"Okay, never call me Cecilia ever again."
"I won't... if you hop that fence."
Cellie sighed. "Fine."
She hung onto the fence with both hands and stuck her foot in one of the holes inches from the grassy ground. Gingerly and gradually, she climbed up the fence. To help her, Isaac pushed her up by placing his hands on her bottom. Cellie smiled when she felt his warm hands. She managed to sit on top of the fence before jumping off into the confined area.
After that, Isaac quickly yet carefully ascended the fence, leaving his skateboard behind. From the top, he jumped into the other side and stumbled on the grass. Cellie laughed before she helped him up. He led her to the center of the area and took out his firecrackers to stick in the ground.
Isaac pulled out a cigarette lighter from his jeans and handed it to Cellie. "Would you like to the honors?"
"Gladly," she responded.
Cellie ignited a flame with the lighter and kneeled before the devices to light their fuses. As the flame slowly ate away the wires, the duo ran a long distance from the crackers. It did not take long for beams of blue and purple light to shoot up in the air individually and brightly burst in the sky. Isaac wrapped his arm around Cellie's shoulders from behind as they watched the fireworks fade into the black sky. He then watched the reflecting light vanish on Cellie's smiling face.
"Short but beautiful," she said. She looked up at Isaac. "I guess we're pyromaniacs now."
Isaac turned her around so she could face him. "I see the fireworks but I want to see the sparks fly."
Cellie's grin dwindled before Isaac touched her forehead with his. They looked deeply into each other's big brown eyes. Then Isaac unhurriedly leaned in and pressed his soft, thin lips on her plump ones. As Cellie kissed him back, Isaac wrapped his arms around her waist with Cellie cupping his cheeks to deepen their sweet kiss. Sparks definitely flew right inbetween them. Before they wrapped it up, their kiss shallowed when their lips curved into lighthearted smiles.
Cellie opened the door to her home's backyard fence all the way. She entered the yard with Isaac right behind her. Her late night date with Isaac was officially over. The thought of that nearly crushed her.
"Thanks for walking me home," she said.
"Hey, it's the least I can do," Isaac shrugged.
Cellie grinned. She cupped Isaac's cheeks and pecked his lips. "I had a good time," she whispered.
Isaac rested his forehead on hers. "Me, too."
Cellie softly grasped his neck. "We should do this again."
Cellie released her beau and stuck her hands and feet in the floral fence beside the open window to her bedroom. Isaac helped her ascend by placing his hands on her bottom and pushing her up. She climbed up and once she reached the top, she grasped the window sill. Isaac stood close to make sure Cellie entered her room safely. She shinnyed into her window then planted her feet on the floor of her bedroom.
"Good night, Cellie," shouted Isaac.
Cellie poked her head out of the window. "Good night, trouble," she said with a smile.
"Sweet dreams." Isaac smiled back.
Cellie closed the window with Isaac walking away, still feeling Cellie's kiss tingling on his lips. She stripped and put away her clothes in the dresser and closet. She put on the pajamas she left lying on the bed. Then she jumped into bed and pulled the covers on herself. She rested her ear on her white pillow and closed her eyes. Cellie wondered if she would be abstracted in a dream that would be better than the dream she was currently living in.