dragon soul

chapter 1
It was a cold foggy night the barn doors were cracking like thunder making sleep a luxury, just when the wind died and the owner of the house was about to sleep there came the sound of footsteps. cursing himself he looked out the window to see 2 shapes moving towards his barn.
the barn was empty, but it was not meant to be a refuge for every darn thing that came along through the old man. as he got up to check who had invaded his privacy, he took out his mace and shield; which he had been using since his young age to save himself.
he was no warrior but people called him a brute cause of his abnormal height and large bones people often mistook him for a half- giant, his grey hair and wrinkles were telling time had been passing too fast for him now.he made his way to the barn hearing whispers and mumbles of two voices one of them was sweet like a melody and the second voice was more female, brute slowed down to catch their words but could not make sense as they kept changing the language from normal Falkirk to elvish and then to another tongue he did not recognise.
the voices stopped as brute came near the barn door ready to attack whatever was in the barn before he could react the barn door flew away with a thud and knocked brute down on his feet, As his mind cleared from the shock he noticed his mace and shield, not in his hand.
a sword was pointing at his neck it was an elegant sword not made by man but by the elf and as he raised his eyes, he noticed a beautiful maiden with white hair skin so shiny it looked like it was made of diamonds. her eyes were blue as the sea as brute moved so did the sword following him like a mouse after cheese.
"Elyria, please don't kill our benefactor," the second voice said and brute turned to see another maiden her body was covered with scales which were reflecting many colors of the little light the barn had her hair was smooth like silk, her eyes, however, were sharp as the eagle and had iris like the cat.
brute knew she was one of the ancient race, one he has been hearing stories off for the generation, as he backed up only to find Elyria blocking his way "what do you people want from me?" brute asked.
"we are trying to hide from enemies, we apologize for the in convince, however, we will need your help?' Elyria replied, "see this child here we need you to take him away from here and find him a safe family to raise him well" replied the ancient one showing him a bundle of cloth in her hand
"I could sell the child as a slave for all you know?" brute said with a little hesitation looking around at both their faces, Elyria smiled and replied, "well then a would be too short to spend the money".
"we don't have time to chit-chat and play who to trust here, take the child (hand the bundle of cloth) take him and run you will find the one perfect for him due east 2 days from now.take nothing here is food and provisions we had to take these and walk away (handing brute another bag)"
brute looked at them and took his mace and shield and walked away from them, It was not long after he had cleared the clearing did he see torches or lights he could not tell we're getting close to the barn.and as he went ahead, he heard the loud boom and a huge fire cloud exploding where the barn as he made his way through the back roads of the village.
the rainy night did not bother him as much as the incident that just happened to him, However, he had been told this would take place in his life.
the old soothsayer was right He would help an ancient one in something big? what it was he never knew.
ignoring his fatigue he walked out of the village border and headed for the inn at the outskirts of the village where he could ask the inn owner for his horse which he had lent to the owner yesterday.
the inn was a shabby place for the most filth to hang out, most people in the village don't like the travelers they think it brings bad luck, the inn was crowded tonight and seem like there was more than the usual people who hang out in the inn tonight.
brute walked into the inn to find everyone went silent as brute made his way to the owner who was serving the behind the bar.as the owner smiled to brute his gold teeth sparkled in the light making him look like a leprechaun which was a saying as he was Hadrian which was one of the lowest race in the hierarchy he was normal build not too much meat and few bones to show they had 15 toes making them walk a little funny.
brute say "Kevin, I need my dorthy I have to leave town for some time", Kevin smiled and replied "No worries brute my friend I would send your dorthy in the morning"
Kevin took him to the back where stables were and there stood a kill rag wolf tall as brute and bigger than brute white a blue fur and silver eyes the beast sensed their presence and growled
brute head to Dorothy and after setting the thing for travel he took dorthy to the entrance and took off like an arrow shot from the bow
two days have passed since brute left his village his patience was running short along with his health and not able to stand the child's crying, he sometimes wished he could just leave the child on the road but something compelled him to keep going.
He was at the fork road to the city of selesi when he saw a carriage which looked like it was one from a noble family surrounding it was soldiers all wearing armours and heavy guarding the carriage, brute approached the carriage only to be stopped by the soldiers.
brute looked at the blacksmith working on the horse's hoofs and something propelled him to go ask him before he could say anything the baby cried, as soon as they all heard the child the carriage door opened and women dressed in noble attires walked out to brute she had long blonde hair she was in her mid 30's her eyes were pink and she wore a very nice makeup which would enchant any man
the blacksmith also came towards brute and said "my lady you should not be out the sun is hot today you might get a heat stroke", brute looked at both of them and was about to reply something when the women said "old man! hand the child here"
the blacksmith replied, "my lady, this is my uncle he is just carrying my son around for a walk, how can we give you my son?"
the women looked at the blacksmith and then asked brute "does this man tell the truth?"
brute looked at both and replied " no my lady, I was taking this child to the city to find him a family as his family is dead and I can not take care of this child anymore,"
the women smiled and said "no need to worry about that. I will take the child in as my son and I will have you given gold too, so your rest of the life will be sweet,"
brute smiled and handed the child to the women as the woman went in one guard brought out a chest and gave it to the brute who took the chest and walked away never looking back.
as the mist became foggy again women in dark clothes with a hood covering her face smiled and said: "so now the fate of this world will be decided by that child, I wonder what he will choose now he was sent to a noble house?"
chapter 2
The sun was hot today and the heat waves were crashing into the ground like waves of the ocean making the people in the city sweat like pigs, In this mist of heat, there were dedicated soldiers practising in the courtyard. watching them from afar was a boy with blue hair, with bright blue eyes his skin was white as milk.
his eyes were following every movement of the soldiers as if his mind was there doing the same thing as the soldiers when a young maid came rushing looking around for something spotting the boy she exhaled a long breath and said "young master shin! there you are? the mistress is looking for you. it's time for your studies please come"
Shin looked at her and then jumps off the railing like an eagle and lands on his feet like a cat and ran away from the house.
the markets were smelling terrible and people were avoiding each other while kids looked at the opportunity to nick food off the display, shin was making his way to the outer gates ambling avoiding the guards, he silently escaped from the city
and made his way to the east toward the mountains
Elyria was waiting with a campfire looking at the city as if she was seeing a ghost, seeing shin she relaxed and said as shin came in "your late, we were supposed to meet at noon and now it evening where were u?"
shin replied, " I was busy it not like I can get out when I want?"
Elyria looked at him and replied ", you don't have to worry about that from now on! come let me prepare to give you the travelling provision"
"Why can I not save them? there are innocent people here? why must I run?"Shin asked
Elyria looked at him with concern and was thinking if she should tell him or not but she replied after a long pause "I wish we could save all people, but you cannot save them all and you're not ready I taught you both swordsmanship and arcane arts, however, you need to find the book of light."
shin frowned and was about to say something when Elyria handed him the bag and spoke elvish enchantment opening a portal.
shin was still trying to adjust how to put the bag on his back when Elyria came up behind him and shoved him straight to the portal
shin went screaming into the portal, Elyria closed up the portal and disappeared from the campsite
two days later the city of durig was attacked by some mysterious force destroying everything the survivors scattered around the world.
chapter 3
the night was cold, and the wind was making his way cutting through anything that obstructed him, The Inn was filled with many strangers tonight and business was looking up.
the door banged stopping all the merry talk and looked at the door wondering what stranger will walk in now the
door opened and shin walked in looking at everyone making a smile and nodded he moved ahead.
once everyone saw shin they went back to their talking.
shin made his way to the bar and said " one honey- mead please!" the bartender nodded and goes to make his drink he was making shin drink.
Women with blonde hair and a lot of makeup looked at shina and said "kid! Do you look from around here?
you travelling alone in this dangerous times?"
shin smiled and replied "Madame, I can well defend myself, But thank you for your concern"
the women went back to minding her own business as the bartender handed shin his drink who gave him a copper coin in exchange and as the bartender was leaving Shin whispered something in his ear.
the bartender was an old man with a white mustache and a bald head wearing simple clothes once he heard what Shin had to say he nodded and told him something.
the night went without a hassle for the innkeeper.
morning came with a smile washing away all the cold dew that had settled last night melted away from the sun,
shin made his way toward the city of erendier. which was the capital of all mages school?
3 weeks later Shin made his way to erendier , once the city post for elves to trade with other races, now run by the magic council as a school and safe harbour for all mages the city has gone may change since its elf days with over 35 more extensions and parts added to the city making it like a floating fortress .
the crowd was mage or magic family that have settled here after the long term was living her magic was strong in this place.
shin made his way to the entrance of the magic academy where he saw a huge line of people there already waiting for the entrance test
chapter 4
the day was long and the line of candidates was still long and none of the candidates was exceptional or even above average the examiner was making the line shrink, however, it kept adding people in the back
shin was looking at the examiner was in his mid-20s blonde hair (dyed ) he had two diamonds stud earrings
in both his ears making it sparkle as he moved his head
as Shin walked up to him he gave semrsta a nice smile who just looked at back at him and was about to say something but he ignored him.
shin went to the next stage where people were casting spells there were a lot of casters, most people were too busy looking at each other a middle age man came walking to shin and said "ok come with me for your practical test"
shin followed him to the right side where there was a small field set up the old man said " ok no need to worry just show us what u can do? don't worry if u can't do much since most people can do a basic spell at your age "
shin looked at the dummy scarecrow set up for target practice he lifts his right hand and imagined lighting spears on each scarecrow and a flash of light came out making a huge explosion blowing up a dust storm covering most of the field, the crowd ran out for cover as the dust settled most people who were taking the test also stopped what they were doing and looked at the cause of the trouble.
the old man looked at shin with shock and said "I asked you to show your potential not blow up the whole field! If you can not control your power? you should at least let us know in advance"
shin was scratching his head when he replied "this is the first time I used magic! I only learned it in theory and never used it in practicals before"
the old man looked at shin with a shock as if he was joking when more people came toward them. one people was the head of the magic council elder mo (the old man was wearing shades like he was 19 yrs old child, all black hair and a stubble making him look younger ).
elder mo was looking around noticing girls when he said: "what has happened here? why is there such chaos?"
the old man went to mo side and whispered the details in his ears which made Mo look a little shocked, he whispered something and the old man took shin away from the field and guided him to the inner halls.
where a young woman whose beauty was almost matching to the elf was sitting and sipping her tea, she looked at shin and then the old man and said "what are you doing here? bringing me this filthy boy I can smell him from here too?"
chapter 5
shin was surprised when