Dream Come True

A female walked down the not so busy sidewalks of the state of Michigan. Her feet thumped against the pavement with each step she took. She was wearing a pair of ripped shorts, a blue laced tank top with a black undershirt, a simple silver bracelet, silver earrings, and a pair of black Converse. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulders and down the middle of her back like a waterfall. Her brown eyes scanned the area around her.
She sighed as she stopped, pulling her phone out of her back pocket. It was a Galaxy 6 with a Captain America case. She scrolled through some messages from a friend before she put it back in her pocket. She stuffed her hands in her pockets as she turned down a road, hoping she was going the right way. She felt a vibrate in her pocket and knew that it was a text. She took it out of her pocket and looked at the message.
Hurry up. I don’t think I can wait much longer to see you.
She shook her head with a smile on her lips as she put her phone in her pocket once more. Her friend will have to wait for a moment more. She stopped in front of a driveway and looked up at the house, hoping this was the one that she was suppose to go to. She took a deep breath as she walked up to the front door, raising a hand and knocked softly on it.
“I will get it!” Came a female voice. She grinned as she was glad she didn’t get the wrong house as the voice was quite familiar. She heard the door unlock before it opened, revealing a female with gorgeous brown hair and hazel eyes. As soon as she realized who was standing in her entrance, she started to freak out. Before anyone could say anything, the female pulled her into a bear hug. “Oh my god! I can’t believe you are actually here Rose!” She said in pure happiness.
Rose chuckled as she hugged the other female. “Please, do you think I would miss the chance not to meet you for the first time, Mya?” She said as she looked at Mya.
Mya giggled. “I guess not but still.”
“Go out on your lawn.” Rose said with a smirk on her lips.
Mya tilted her head to the side, not sure what Rose was planning. “Why?”
Rose rolled her eyes. “You will see.”
Mya looked at Rose once more before she passed her and stopped in the middle of her lawn. As soon as she turned around to face her house, Rose tackled her into a hug, having them both fall to the ground, giggling their butts off.
“That was my idea.” Rose said as she laid on the grass next to Mya with her head propped up on one hand.
“It was a surprise. I wasn’t expecting that.” Mya said as she poked Rose's side.
Rose giggled as she brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “This is me you are talking about. You will have to be prepared for whatever I throw at you as you will never know what it will be.”
Mya rolled her eyes. “I will be prepared no matter what then.” She said.
Rose let her eyes flicker to hers and she grinned. “I suppose I should give you this now and then tell you this speech that I wrote down. I hope that you will like them both.” She said as sat up.
Mya sat up as well. “Should I be scared?” She asked.
Rose chuckled as she shook her head. “No. Just be patient and see what will happen.” She got on her knees and went behind Mya. She took out a box and opened it, pulling out a diamond necklace. On the back said ‘Best Friends Forever’. She put it around Mya’s neck and went back to the front to see Mya’s face. Mya’s face was in bewilderment as she didn’t know what to think of this present.
"This is beautiful, Rose. You didn’t have to and I didn’t get you anything either.”
Rose waved her hand in the air as she sat back down in front of Mya. “I wanted to and you don’t need to give me anything in return but your friendship.” She said with a sweet smile.
Mya grinned and got comfortable. “I am curious about your speech now.”
Rose took a deep breath and let it out slowly before she opened her mouth to speak. “Mya, you have been more than just a friend who wants to be by my side. You are like a sister to me because you are with me no matter what I go through. You help me change my mind on things that I know that I will regret in the future. You are there to tell me what I should do and what I shouldn’t do. You are the light in my darkness. You are the light that will never fade, even if I am in a bad mood. You are the oxygen in my air that I need to be able to breath. Without you being my oxygen, I don’t know where I would be right now without you."
She started to get embarrassed as she wasn't use to telling people the mean so much to her stuff like this. "You are the other part of my heart that makes me complete. You are my other part of my soul that I will never be able to live without. You are the sun and I the moon. We make the universe complete when we talk. You are seriously one of the best things that has happened in my life since I was born. Know that I am always there for you, no matter what I am going through. I want to make sure you are okay and that is why I put my things aside to help you through it. There is one thing that I do not ever want to happen.”
She looked sincerely into Mya’s eyes as she said this last line that they both know will never happen as they have an unbreakable bond. “I don’t want to lose you because what will be the point of living if you are gone from my life?”
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