Galaxy Unleashed: Falling to the Depths

The sea below us was beautiful. Shimmers of white flickered like stars in the night sky as we flew. All my fears vanished as my sister and I glided through the wind. I've never had a fear of heights or anything, but I wasn't so thrilled to jump on a mythical creature with my long lost sibling. Whom in fact, had no idea that I was her sister that I could tell. She might not even be my twin, she might just be someone with the same name on another planet with another race of creatures. Happens all the time, right? My plan was to talk to the King in private. Tell him all that happened to Swan and I, and see if he knew anything at all. If not, I would have to confront Swan myself. That could get awkward really fast. Not to mention she was the princess. She might arrest me for impersonating her sister for the throne or something.
My chances for getting home were becoming scarce. I knew I had to get help some how. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Swan talking to me "Over there is Dontora, sailers stop there for supplies." Shouted Swan over the roaring winds "Many never come back." I didn't question why sailors who came to Dontora never came back, I just assumed that was some warning not to ever go there.
"How far is the island we're stopping at?" I asked, or yelled.
"A good ways ahead of us. We should be there by noon." Grandpa had told me how to tell the time by the position of the sun. I looked for the sun, which was behind us. It probably still morning, so it would be a little while until we got to the island.
I saw some specks in the distance. A deep black compared to the sun, and growing in size. "Umm...Swan?" I said "What are those behind us?"
Swan snapped here neck towards the figures following us and the Gara. Her eyes widened with fear. "Oh no, We've got company!" Suddenly a sphere of intense heat flew passed us. Swan veered to the right, the soldiers went the other way. "What do we do?!" I panicked.
"I'm trying to get them to follow us." I looked back at the reptile-like creatures. To my surprise, none of them followed us. Instead, they followed the Gara carts that the griffins were carrying. Swan's eyes narrowed. "Okay, plan B!" She yanked the reins and Iadecka made a sharp looped around and back towards the enemy. Swan summoned a razor sharp sword from her belt and lashed it at the enemy, hitting one of them. It's head and body falling at different paces.
We flew at top speed in the direction of the other creatures. Iadecka used her menacing talons to rip gashes into the first one, while Swan delivered the final blow with her sword. The creature struggled and dug it's claws into Iadecka's rib cage. The griffin let out a foul cry of pain. Though, she still fought, even with her feathers covered in her dark red blood. Under the mighty griffin's claws, the creature squirmed to gain a foot hold on the battle. In a split second, it came so close to me that the flesh on my arm tasted it's bitter sharp claws. I cried out in pain, and my already mud-caked clothing was now mixed with my own blood. Instinctively, I covered up the gash with my hand, trying to keep it from bleeding more. Swan saw my wound. "Are you alright?!" I couldn't answer, I felt so faint. I remembered everything turning blurry, my hearing muffled. And I remember falling to the sea below us.