Feelings of Relationships

The music was playing loudly in the room, and Sita was enjoying a chat on WhatsApp with her phone in hand. Suddenly, she stood up, lowered the music, and came over to me, saying, "Shakira! You know, Domini's younger brother has passed away in an accident. I feel so sad; my heart is crying. I can't imagine what this poor soul must be going through. He was their only brother."
A little later, she updated her WhatsApp status: "I am very sad to hear about your brother, my dear sister and best friend. My heart is crying. I wish I could be with you right now to comfort you. I share your grief equally." After that, she wrote on Facebook: "My very close companion's brother has passed away in an accident. May God grant him a high place in heaven, and may He give patience to his family." Below that, people started writing "Ameen, Ameen."
Then, she posted a picture of Domini's brother on Instagram, writing, "My friend's flower-like brother has left us in mourning today. There is a very sorrowful atmosphere in my home. Please remember him in your prayers." Then she called out to me, "Shakira, turn up the music." After that, she got busy again on WhatsApp, as if she had done her part—informing the world about her sad home environment and showing sympathy for her friend. What more was there to do?
I asked, "Sita, aren’t you going to Domini's house?" She replied, "I don’t have the courage. Modeling has drained me all day, and I have to go to Suzanne's brother's wedding in the evening. I promised Suzanne I would dance." I found it very strange that she was ready to attend one friend's wedding while lacking the courage to go to another friend's funeral.
What kind of friendship is this? What kind of closeness is it when one friend has a dead body at home, and the other is celebrating with music? Do we absolve ourselves of our remaining responsibilities by expressing a few words of condolence on Facebook and WhatsApp?
Like 1 Pin it 0Relationships are nurtured; they are not merely displayed.