Flat Affect

Are you going to call the time, I'm good with it. The attending doctor urges the new resident to give up the life saving attempts on the dead patient. "Time of death is 2: 02," he states flatly. As I watch the slow of walk, tossing their gloves to the floor they walk out of my trauma bay leaving me with the preparation, of the now officially pronounced, dead lady. Blood fresh to her side but not moving from her wounds any longer, no heartbeat to push that thrust of blood to the organs.
Now the rush of spirit escape begins. The spirit is real and alive inside each and every one of us. It floats beside, around in and out of us. It walks into our minds stirring our thoughts with suggestions on how to handle situations. To calm us or to push us. The spirit of life, is life. There are times when the escape of spirit from the fresh dead, is jagged, filling the air with a very uncomfortable feel. It is as if the air itself, becomes hard against your every inhale. Well, that is the poetic way to put it. The energy from some people after they die is full of anger and disgust. There have been times when a patient has died and a dark shadowy something, was seen as it moved from the patients room pushing through the two double magnetically locked doors. The doors literally were blasted open by this patient's spirit as it left the building. I always thought was a bit dramatic but, I guess this old dark spirit wanted to flex one last time.
The opposite occurs with an energy feel of calm and almost liquid type air. The feel in the room after the family turned off life support on one patient was incredible, peaceful, liquid with the most wonderful feel of comfortable and love.
I have seen the aftermath of some deaths where monitors have turned on by themselves in the trauma room. Doors have opened, doors that should not open without someone passing their card in front of a box that opens the magnetic lock. Spirits are real, our soul is real and it leaves our body when we die. Sometimes it creates havoc and plays beside us. Sometimes they get angry, sometimes they are always angry. For whatever reason they are still on the level of existence beside us. Maybe they always are but some of them are noisy. That part I haven't figured out but I have felt the consequences of their leftover visit. I have had pictures slam to the floor, fans turned over, my cell phone has been turned on in the kitchen and consequently my home phone rang with a call from my cell phone. A constant groaning, growling noise, slamming open bedroom doors in the wee hours of the morning. Just some of the spirit activity I have experienced. Spirits are leftover humans now dead from flesh but still here with us, beside us. Why? I have no clue I hope that when I go, I don't walk around this place tripping over fans and walking into rooms. Opening doors scaring those that are peacefully trying to sleep. Although some aspects of that might be fun, especially to mess with some of my ex's.
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Hi Mitch,
I enjoyed the read. It is a subject I find very fascinating. Yes I believe we are all energy. That spirit you describe is for me the true essence of ourselves. The brain is a platform our energy uses to experience this level of reality. I have read that depending on the trauma of death, it can effect the transformation of ascension. The more traumatic, the longer the energy takes to lift. It isn’t pleasant for them. Also I believe possibly that electrical things are effected because our energy becomes heightened once we are no longer bound to the flesh. Thanks for highlighting this subject. I enjoyed the audio that you made to accompany the piece. Very effective
And of course these are merely my thoughts and interpretations. But isn’t it fun exploring :)
Warm welcome to Cosmo 😊
Gwen x
Thank you for listening and commenting. Very good thoughts on energy and after here. I never thought of the after trauma harder to move on but it makes sense. I was recording one fresh deads valuables. I was alone in the trauma room and could feel/ hear him yelling at me for getting into his wallet. He kept at it and I said "because you are dead! And you need to go tell your wife goodbye and follow the light." Another person came into the trauma room and pointed exactly at the spot I felt him standing, "who is that?" she asked. " In the ER I experienced many playful after and also the jagged. It seemed the thick bad energy feel didn't hang long though. Either I was able to block it or it left the ER.
Have a glorious day and thank you again for reading/ listening and commenting.