You're not packed yet?
Sparrowsong I have packed and unpacked three times...
You're going to be late...
Sparrowsong I don't think I can do this...
I will help you pack...
That's not what I mean...
It looks like you need help to me...
I think I'm going to cancel my flight...
You can't cancel...
I can't?
No No No...
Why not?
It's non-refundable and...
It's non transferable and...
You're only going to be gone a few days...
I know you will miss me a whole bunch, but that's no reason to cancel...
That's not the reason Sparrowsong...
That's not the reason?
Sparrowsong I don't know how you ever talked me into taking a flight...
I said you should take a flight...
It's faster...
Are you scared of airplanes?
Of course not Sparrowsong...
They're nice to look at once they have landed safely...
If you have a problem do what I do...
What's that Sparrowsong?
Grab a tree...
Grab a tree?
Sparrowsong I will be in an airplane...
Have a safe trip!
Here's you're luggage it's all packed...
You better get going...
Call me when you get there...
(I thought she would never leave)
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Hello Sis Cherie...
I can chat, pack and chat...
By the time you knew what happened...
You'd be at the airport...
No trouble at all...
I love flying...
I have been flying since I was a baby...
It's not the fall that's ever a problem...
It's that sudden stop...
That can happen anywhere...
I have some experience with it...
I hope I made you feel better with the flying thing...
Thank you for your comment...
This is to much you really make people feel good about flying love the comment even
more than the story and its good hahaha loved it, its the sudden stop you have a way
of helping haha to cool sparrow love it love yea good luck hon