Good Luck Sky

"Welcome to 2021, a year dedicated to longings, light and love, a time for gathering, for remembrance, to give thanks and to banish spite, welcome 2021, behind remains suffering, fear and pain"
Welcome 2021.
Next year begins with mass vaccinations that will lead us to live normally, the confinements, previous appointments, masks and curfews over the months will fall behind. With positive signs coming in January, Biden's administration kicks off the margins of reasoning and equity, while blonde abomination and its corrupt trinquins will grow to thicken America's black history.
2020 will remain in the ephemeris of history as a year of uncertainty, sudden death and global chaos, a year in which the best and worst of human beings appeared very easily, and as a time when all the citizens of the planet live under the threat of a dangerous virus that was trying to destroy life, our customs and our entire world.
Love property
losse in liberty
closed freely
lower by delay
lose really
good luck sky.
Glove legality
dove in mealy
live ideally
sieve by futilely
forgive freely
relive is cleanly.
Come discreetly
done in queasy
judge freaky
begun to cheaply
lose really
bad luck sky.
Lower by dealy
waste to weekly
good luck sky.
Welcome 2021.
Once the coronavirus crisis has been overcome, all nations on the planet should reflect and try to live according to nature, and walk into a sustainable world where war confrontation is considered a crime globally condemned by all nations on the planet.
The whole planet is living dangerously, with the threat of an ever-present virus, uncertainty, deficiencies and fear of contagion, covid-19 has made us forget the serious consequences of climate change, if humanity does not change course, even with vaccines there will be no tomorrow for anyone, the world we know will only be in the films , and as we were it will never be the same.
After the coronavirus we must try to recover everything that brings us closer, that makes us happy and that leads us to prosper, and banish all those things that separate us, that degrade us and that lead us on paths of anger, death and hatred.
2020 ends with a halo of sadness, longing and dressed in loneliness, poverty, labor crises and anxiety attacks, but in the meantime desatinousness and such fatality there are positive signs that illuminate 2021, covid-19 vaccines and Trump's downfall draw landscapes of hope and illusion for the future world.
Build back better,
if you can,
you can yes.
Gild track letter,
if can you,
yes you can.
Wild black litter,
if you can,
you can yes.
Guild whack center,
if can you,
yes you can.
Child shack batter,
if you can,
you can eyes.
Telling Story. Yes You Can.
The year that ends will remain in the memory framed in the rare, a world in where breathing became dangerous, where human contact became a risk factor, and where walking through the streets became a crime.
With renewed illusions it will start in 2021, hardship and pain must serve to assimilate what we have learned, to value the lost, and for all to try to build a world that is fairer, safer, and much better for all pandemic survivors, and to become aware that all the peoples of the planet travel on the same ship called earth , and that if that great ship sinks, we all shipwreck.
"Welcome to 2021, a year dedicated to high hopes, health and fervor, a time for fun, for dreams, for poetry and to build a better world, welcome to 2021, behind are the wails, the cracking and the bad taste"
Welcome 2021.
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