I recently caught up with a friend who was a bit down. He’s a godly man, yet less religious than most. He gave up church and entered a more personal relationship with his God after some differences with his fellowship. I say “his God” because we all have our own version of a higher power. Bill is a true modern-day warrior. He cared for his dying sister for years, working 7 days a week, and slaving away at two jobs. This went on day after day, year after year, needless to say, something had to give, which was his sister’s death. Her death isn’t meant to be oversimplified, but is short because it isn’t the focus of this enlightenment. After the death, Bill was a bit spent to say the least. I felt compelled to help such a kind-hearted man. After all, this guy prayed over me before my child support hearing and brought my daughter medicine when she was sick. I decided to reach out in the only manner I knew how…UP FRONT AND IN YOUR FACE!
I know Bill senses a bit of the dark side in me. I know this because I had said some things that made him feel uncomfortable during the past year. One of these things was me expressing my thoughts in regards to his lax behavior and overall passive approach to life. I know Bill wants to be a more than a machinist, but he is deathly afraid to quit his job to follow his dream of playing in a Rock Band! He says God will tell him when its time and…I CALL BULLSHIT! He’s afraid. Of what? Afraid to take ownership of his life. Much to the same tone, he describes that God wants him to be single. I spent hours one night pleading with him to try his hand at love again. I told him he deserves it and that any woman would be better because she had him in her world. Yet, Bill insists it is God’s will for him to be single and help other people. I say he’s conveniently using God and the Devil to justify his life. He’s terrified of getting hurt again. If something is too hard for him to face, he says it is God’s plan for him. On the contrary, if something bad happens, or someone says something that could potentially force him out of his comfort zone, he claims it’s the Devils work!
I share this story with you because I want all of us to take a good look at our lives: The Good, the Evil, and the TRUTH! I feel Bill is subsequently less God-like when he squanders his talents working a job he hates, when he’s really afraid of failure. I say walk by faith whoever you are, and whatever you believe. Walk by faith, not by sight! Be Zen, be Peaceful, and even God-like if you choose, but whatever you do, don’t waste your life justifying why you can’t do something. Be the Lion when it comes to your life, and know when to play the fox. Your life is unique to you, and only you: act accordingly.
Perhaps evil is just an excuse for people who are afraid, and God is a way for them to stay comfortable.
I personally believe there is a God, and I’ve seen His grace, and thus I will honor the decision-making brain he created for me. Decide to face your fears and live your dreams! If you’re not where you want to be, take a good look at to root of the problem, and for God sake do something about it!
Anthony J. Mendez,
Edited by Kelsey R. Kasper